
Hillary Clinton says she will be better for military than Trump

Hillary Clinton plans to stress her support for American exceptionalism during a speech in the battleground state of OH, while arguing that Donald Trump has rejected the concept.


Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton used her appearance at the American Legion’s annual convention Wednesday to again attack Republican rival Donald Trump as an unstable, unworthy pick to be America’s next commander in chief. Unfavorability ratings has gone up 6 percentage points in just three weeks, to the worst ratings of any in her public life.

The new poll shows the race between Clinton and Trump to be about even. But among registered voters, Clinton’s unfavorability rating was 59% and Trump’s was 60%.

Clinton’s campaign also dismissed Trump’s trip to Mexico on Tuesday night, arguing that what he says on the foreign trip doesn’t matter as much as what he says to voters in the United States. The latest poll from Washington Post-ABC News shows that not only are they viewed equally poorly by voters, but a record number of voters dislike Hillary Clinton.

This is a choice between recognizing that the leadership of Barack Obama, which Hillary Clinton wants to continue, has weakened America’s place in the world and stifled America’s economy. Ron Johnson, R-Wisc., and former Sen.

Marquette says the poll has a plus/minus 4.5 percent margin of error for the “full sample”.

With just 68 days to go before the elections, Mrs Clinton is five points ahead overall compared to Mr Trump, with 42 per cent support against 37 per cent, according to a Real Clear Politics poll average.

Clinton says at the American Legion’s annual convention in OH that voters need to know that they can count on you.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Trump leads among independents with 38 percent to Clinton’s 26 percent. Trump performs better among white men and whites without a college degree.

Clinton, who is leading Trump in most polls, needs to make sure that his negatives stay high as a motivator for her base. She registered at 40 percent favorable/57 percent unfavorable in July, according to Post/ABC polling – and then had a post-convention high of 46 percent favorable/52 percent unfavorable. Among black and Hispanic respondents, 57 percent said police make them feel mostly safe and 37 percent said mostly anxious.


In a statement endorsing Clinton, Clad echoed the Democratic candidate’s criticism that Trump, a NY businessman with no experience in government, as lacking the temperament and judgment to serve as commander-in-chief.

Hillary Clinton Aug. 25 2016