
Hillary Clinton Says Syria No-Fly Zone Needs Russian Cooperation

Laughing, Clinton said she wanted to educate the candidates about her time as Secretary of State, and did so by mailing them all a copy of her 2014 book “Hard Choices”.


During the second GOP presidential debate, former Hewlett-Packard CEO Carly Fiorina returned to a criticism she has made often of Clinton. Decrying the “insults”, “attacks”, and “entertainment” involved in the Republican side of the election cycle, Clinton said that the atmosphere of the campaign concerns her.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks… But her chief rival for the nomination, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders has gained ground against her in early primary states with a populist economic message that vows to take on the “billionaires”. Clinton believes that deferred prosecution agreements are overused in the financial sector and she wants to set guidelines to curb their use.

Sanders, too, has faulted Clinton for her close ties to Wall Street.

Along with a greater emphasis on punishing individual bad actors, she will also impose a new tax on high-frequency trading, her campaign said. She would also increase federal funding for financial regulators including the Securities and Exchange Commission, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and Commodity Futures Trading Commission, and raise the maximum fines those agencies can levy.

“If you only reinstate Glass-Steagall, you don’t go after all these other institutions in what is called the shadow banking system, hedge funds and other financial entities that have too much power in our economy”, she said. She joked, “There are so many of them, they could have a book club”.


The reinstatement of Glass-Steagall has become something liberal – and a few conservative – leaders have championed since its repeal and the market crash of 2008. “So I have what I consider to be a more comprehensive approach toward what we need to do to rein in the big institutions, including the banks”.

Hillary Clinton Hard Choices