
Hillary Clinton Seamlessly Merges with Her SNL Character

“I’m a lifelong Democrat. But by energizing and engaging young people, which I think everyone has seen [Sanders do] across the country, and voters that do not often participate in elections, we can create the type of wave that will create big gains for Democrats in the Congress and at the state level while continuing us having a Democrat in the White House”, Weaver said on the call. “On February 20th, you will begin the process of choosing a president who has what it takes to stand up to the Republicans”.


Warren’s positive acknowledgment of Sanders’ strategy served as a reminder of their shared progressive brand of politics and her continued influence in shaping the Democratic Party’s policies regarding banking and housing.

Mr Sanders and Mrs Clinton have tussled over the best way to curb the risky behaviour on Wall Street that caused the 2008 financial crisis and triggered the worst U.S. economic slump since the Great Depression.

Hillary Clinton maintains a double-digit lead over Bernie Sanders among California Democrats in the presidential primary, virtually unchanged from October, according to a new poll.

“As soon as I started listening to him, I knew he was the only candidate I could vote for”, said Sanders, 49, a flight attendant for a major airline who isn’t related to the candidate.

Political scientists also say general election matchup polls, like the one Sanders cites, are not predictive or particularly meaningful at this point in the election.

Sanders supporters – keyed into the back and forth on electability – jumped to their feet at this comment.

Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., holds up the hand of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on stage at the Battle Born Battleground First in the West Caucus Dinner, Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2016, in Las Vegas. D…

O’Malley used his speech to call for the extension of protective status to refugees from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador, and more broadly touted his record on immigration.

The crux of Clinton’s argument is that Sanders’ plan lacks specifics when it comes to the so-called “shadow banking” system – a part of the banking industry made up institutions like hedge funds and non-bank finance companies. Campaigns gave supporters tickets to to the event and supplied them with different cheering paraphernalia.

“That music is really attractive”, Sanders said sarcastically to his supporters, before motioning for them to tone it down. “We continue to believe Clinton would be one of the better candidates for financial firms, as she is pushing concrete reforms where one can understand the downside risk rather than more radical overhauls”, the firm wrote, in a statement that undoubtedly warmed the heart of the Sanders high command.

Sanders is still trailing Clinton in the polls in Iowa, but he is leading in New Hampshire. The former secretary of state, however, has taken a tougher stance against Wall Street as a presidential candidate.

Sanders deadpanned, “Well, we are taking on the establishment, and I think it is fair to say I’m not the candidate of the establishment”.

This was evident on Tuesday, when, after hitting Sanders directly over Wall Street, she offered a more veiled attack over his experience.

So far the Republicans have focused mostly on Clinton, as she appears to be the most likely nominee.

The Nevada caucuses, scheduled for 20 February, are the third primary to occur, making Nevada a crucial state for a candidate hoping to build momentum.


State Sen. James Sanders Jr. endorsed Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders for president last week.

Clinton, Sanders aim for victory in Nevada caucuses