
Hillary Clinton set for ‘Fox News Sunday’

Some suggested that editors may have chose to run photos of the former president or Vermont Senator because they were newsier, having been taken at the Democratic National Convention on Tuesday-Hillary was not in attendance that night, only appearing via satellite video.


Obama will also try to leverage his vast popularity among Democrats to unify a party scarred by the bruising primary campaign between Clinton and leftist Bernie Sanders. Trump, 70, has proposed deeply controversial measures such as temporarily banning Muslims from entering the country and building a wall on the Mexico border to stop illegal immigrants.

Sanders preached party unity, asking his supporters to essentially swallow their pride and make Hillary Clinton the next President of the United States.

“I’m ready to pass the baton”, Obama told supporters at a joint rally with Clinton in Charlotte, N.C., earlier this month.

“Obama needs to take it home and give some good, old-fashioned religion”, said Paul Adler, a close Clinton family friend.

Clinton says the emails were personal and not work-related, but for Republicans, it is a smoking gun for a cover-up involving her use of a private server during her time at the State Department.

Obama offered a preview of his evening speech in an interview with NBC News broadcast on Wednesday.

Their political fates now entwined, President Barack Obama is imploring voters to elect Hillary Clinton to the White House, appealing to the women, minorities and young people who powered his rise and are now crucial to hers.

The convention aimed to reinforce this message on Wednesday. “According to Donald Trump, I’m probably a rapist”, said actor America Ferrera in response, referring to his controversial remarks during the campaign.

Trump has accused Obama and Clinton of being far too weak on the threat posed by Islamist militants such as Islamic State.

Hillary Clinton needed support this week, everyone knew that.

Thousands of delegates and guests packed into the Wells Fargo Center chanting “Yes, we can” and waving blue OBAMA signs.

Bloomberg, founder of the Bloomberg news and data service, was previously elected as a Republican and later became an independent. Let’s take a look at the truth behind what was said on the convention stage.

“Twenty-two years ago, Hillary Clinton declared that women’s rights are human rights”, actress Lena Dunham said. The problem with the second, quite apart from Hillary Clinton’s own image as the establishment personified, is that she is obviously and inescapably running as a candidate of continuity with a two-term incumbent.

Viewer Ali A. Akbar also noted: ‘Bill Clinton’s hands were shaking.

On Monday, Democrats set about trying to shore up Clinton’s support with the party’s left wing that is loyal to Sens. He argued that it would help bridge the divide between the party establishment and Sanders supporters, who tend to be ardent climate hawks.

“We made history”, the tweet reads. “That is just who she is”, Bill Clinton said.

As part of his speech, Obama planned to describe how he leaned on her during some of the most critical moments of his presidency, including when he weighed whether to authorize the mission that killed Osama bin Laden, officials said.


Trump, who has never held elective office, is even less popular, with 61 percent holding an unfavorable view, the polling showed. Trump got a boost in opinion polls from his nomination at the Republican convention in Cleveland last week.

US Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump