
Hillary Clinton Shows Command, Knocks Out Biden

Trevor Noah tonight mocked CNN for its constant efforts to entice Vice President Joe Biden to join tomorrow night’s debate just in case he decides to run. But in a letter to former Biden staffers late Thursday, one of Biden’s closest advisers traced the contours of the argument Biden would make, and suggested a decision to run could be imminent.


Anita Dunn, a Democratic strategist and former Obama White House communications director who hasn’t committed to Clinton or another candidate (and met with Biden over the summer), said she expects to see a strong Clinton performance.

“If he runs, he will run because of his burning conviction that we need to fundamentally change the balance in our economy and the political structure to restore the ability of the middle class to get ahead”, Kaufman said.

“I would say that I know that he needs to make up his mind about whether he wants to run or not”. And after witnessing Tuesday night’s Democratic debate, doubters are more confident that Clinton’s reflexes, answers and demeanor are those of a victor.

Though hard to see how he could win, we felt Biden would add oomph to the Democratic field. “Everything he and the president have worked for – and care about – is at stake”. A military hero, acclaimed novelist, and heterodox Democrat who ran for the Senate to protest the Iraq War, his differences with Hillary on foreign policy are as stark and as substantive as Sanders’s are with the frontrunner on domestic policy.

Without Biden, Clinton’s margin over Sanders expands to 50 points. The first filing deadlines in a few states are just weeks away and Biden now has no operation in key states.

The drumbeat for Joe Biden to jump into the 2016 presidential race is growing louder.

CNN, which is hosting the debate, has said that if Biden should decide to enter the race at the last minute, they would invite him to take part in the debate.

At the same time, she refused to go along with Sanders’ call to break up Wall Street banks, reiterated her support of the Patriot Act, and said she would not hesitate to use military force if necessary, at times obliquely criticizing President Barack Obama’s White House – and by proxy, Biden – for failing to stand up to Russian President Vladimir Putin and for doing too little about the civil war in Syria. Biden’s spokesperson didn’t respond to a request from The Huffington Post about the vice president’s evening plans.

Biden will be in Washington and, like many other Democrats nationwide, he’ll be following along on television.

Journalist Jim Acosta, reporting from the debate location on Monday morning, snapped photos of Biden’s potential place in the debate lineup.


“The indecision becomes a problem for people”, said Sam Tenenbaum, a Biden supporter and longtime Democratic donor in South Carolina. The vice president has said previously he’s unsure he has the emotional fortitude to run following his son’s death.

President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden walk from the Green Room to speak on the nuclear deal with Iran