
Hillary Clinton Slams Republicans on Voting Rights Ahead of Tonight’s Debate

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton was taking questions at a gathering of supporters in Nashua, New Hampshire, on July 28 when a young boy asked, “What do you think is the most important thing in life?” For example, David Steven, CEO of the real estate lobbying group the Mortgage Bankers Association and an Obama administration alum, has already given $2500 to Clinton and $1000 to Bush.


South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham articulated a muscular foreign policy, declaring that any candidate who wouldn’t commit to sending American ground troops to Iraq and Syria was “not ready to be commander in chief” and “not serious about destroying ISIL”, also known as the Islamic State or ISIS.

“I personally think it is so nakedly partisan to try to limit the electorate to try to pick and choose who among our fellow citizens should be encouraged or discouraged from voting”, Ms. Clinton said.

“Immigration without assimilation is an invasion”, he said. Even though the money isn’t going into Clinton’s campaign war chest, being able to donate unlimited amounts that the Clintons then dole out for good causes – less expenses – can’t help but curry favor with the Democratic frontrunner. However, six of the seven candidates were unable to answer it correctly.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal criticized Bush’s stated strategy of being willing to risk losing GOP primaries to win the general election.

Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum promised to reduce “the level of immigration by 25 percent”. His clocked in at 11 words. “My heart has not changed because I’ve always been appalled by abortion”, Pataki said.

When asked about the “elephant that is not in the room”, of Trump, Fiorina took issue with recent speculation about the businessman’s association with Clinton and former President Bill Clinton.

“She’s not gonna repeal ObamaCare and replace it. I will. She’s not gonna build the Keystone pipeline”.

“I deployed the National Guard”, Perry said, recalling how he looked President Obama “in the eye” and said, “if you won’t secure the border, Texas will”.


Perry and Fiorina also got in some digs at billionaire Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump, questioning his conservative credentials.

Republican presidential candidates Jim Gilmore Sen. Lindsey