
Hillary Clinton soars to 15-point lead over Donald Trump

According to the latest polling, Democrat Hillary Clinton holds commanding leads in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania and Michigan- three states that Trump hoped to attract with his populist economic message.


The 10-point difference marks an increase in the lead by Clinton compared to last month’s 6-point lead over Trump.

The July 31 editorial “High stakes” clearly promoted the prospects of a Hillary Clinton administration of “incremental progress” over a Donald Trump administration of “dangerous fantasy”. The poll questioned 609 likely New Hampshire voters. Former Gov. Ed Rendell, a Clinton friend and backer, has said Mr. Trump’s appeal to white working-class voters could change the calculus in a state Republicans have not carried since 1988.

Clinton’s campaign recently pulled its ads in Colorado as well, after state-level polls showed her performing better against Trump at this point in the race than President Obama had in his 2012 re-election bid against Mitt Romney.

Clinton almost tied Trump among men in the NBC-WSJ poll and enjoys a 22-point swing – she now leads by 8 points – in the McClatchy-Marist survey.

Trump is in the lead among whites by 10 points (49-39 percent), men by 5 (45-40 percent), white evangelical Christians by 50 (69-19 percent), and whites without a college degree by 16 (52-36 percent), according to the poll.

In another poll released by The Wall Street Journal/NBC News, Clinton was shown at a lead of nine points over Trump.

Trump’s poll numbers have taken a beating amid a feud with a military family that was critical of him at the Democratic convention.

The NBC-WSJ poll of 800 registered voters had a margin of error of 3.5%.


The McClatchy-Marist survey reached 983 registered voters between August 1-3 and was statistically significant within 3.1%.

US Elections Hillary Clinton Donald Trump Survey