
Hillary Clinton speaks in Reno

Hillary Clinton said Tuesday that her use of the term “illegal immigrant” at a town hall in New Hampshire earlier this month was a “poor choice of words”. The question came from Jose Antonio Vargas, a filmmaker and journalist whose organization, Define America, has led the charge to remove the term “illegal immigrants” from presidential campaigns.


“Yes, I will”, Clinton promptly responded.

Her Facebook page has no mention of the Colorado events Tuesday, but it does have 38 custom state T-shirts that say a variation of, “Nebraskans for Hillary”.

Vargas noted in conversation on Facebook that Clinton used the phrase “illegal immigrants” while discussing immigration reform during a recent campaign stop, and called the term “offensive”.

“I’ve said throughout this campaign, the people at the heart of this issue are children, parents, families, DREAMers”. Online publication Colorlines founded the “Drop the I-Word” campaign in 2010.

Clinton, during a subsequent rally in Boulder, said the US was “fighting for human rights and dignity and freedom” against terrorism and said the USA was justified in allowing refugees to enter the USA after a “strong vetting process”.

“If you’re in law enforcement, … you want the people in the communities that you are looking to get information from to feel like they want to help you”, Clinton said. “Before another audience, she’ll use the term illegal immigrants and boast about having voted to build a wall and barbed-wire fence”.

The Dream Action Coalition, a group advocating an end to deportations, said at the time that it sounded like Mrs. Clinton was having an “identity crisis”.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton departs the Crossroads an Substance Abuse Facility sponsored by Catholic Charities of Northern Monday, November 23, 2015, after a tour in Reno, Nev.

In a preview of her new Sunday morning news broadcast, five-time Emmy victor and former CBS anchor Sharyl Attkisson will delve into the top-secret pages of Congress’ intelligence report on the 9/11 terrorist attacks, which are still kept under wraps 14 years later.


As she has done in other early voting states, Clinton also met with reporters, editors and executives from numerous local news outlets in the area.

Clinton has campaign stops in Boulder and Denver on Tuesday.                      KMGH