
Hillary Clinton Super PAC Outpaces Donald Trump Groups in July

Supporters on Donald Trump cheer the Republican presidential nominee at Friday’s event.


“This has been one of the best weeks the campaign has had”, said Sean Spicer, chief strategist at the Republican National Committee.

Republican leaders, including former members of Congress, have called for the Republican National Committee to stop helping Trump and refocus its resources on helping candidates win down-ballot races for the House of Representatives and the Senate. “I have done that”, Trump said during his appearance in Charlotte, North Carolina. “The Democrats have something that the Republicans don’t: They have a nominee that’s built a real campaign organization”. Furthermore, while the Trump campaign spent $18.5 million in July – more than any previous month – most of that money was used to bolster the campaign’s online fundraising efforts, and a lot less was spent on the campaign’s field organizing operation, staff, and consultants ($825,000), than was spent on Trump merchandise ($1.8 million).

The Aug. 14-18 survey showed 42 percent of Americans supported Clinton ahead of the November 8 general election.

In the 11 swing states of Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Wisconsin, the Democratic party committees raised $10.5 million in July compared with $3.3 million for the Republicans.

Polling shows Trump lagging significantly behind Clinton among minority voters, partially due to some of the more wayward comments he has made since entering the race.

On Wednesday, Trump announced that Stephen K. Bannon, the executive chairman of Breitbart News, is his campaign’s new CEO, while GOP pollster Kellyanne Conway would serve as campaign manager.

Mook kept up his criticism over Trump’s connections with Russian Federation, arguing that despite the departure of Manafort amid questions over his work for a pro-Russia political party in Ukraine, Trump should offer an accounting about his own ties to Russian Federation.

The pro-Clinton group, Priorities USA Action, raised $9.9 million last month, less than the $12 million it raised in June, and ended July with more than $38 million in the bank.

The campaign paid Giles-Parscale $8.4 million in July, about twice what the San Antonio firm had collected from it over the course of the preceding year. The Associated Press also reports that the Clinton campaign believes it is now halfway to its overall goal of raising a billion dollars for the 2016 election, and the candidate herself will attend 43 events across 14 states for the next two weeks as part of a fundraising blitz.

His attempts at rolling out policy proposals have been overshadowed by numerous controversies of his own making, none more damaging than his feud with an American Muslim family whose son was killed in Iraq while serving in the military. “What you need to do is aim him at an immovable object, not try to change him”. He took on Clinton and her strong support among African-Americans, and contended that his rival would rather give jobs to refugees than American citizens. “Detroit tops the list of most risky cities in terms of violent crime-these are the silenced victims whose stories are never told by Hillary Clinton, but victims whose suffering is no less real or permanent”, Trump said as he opened his speech.


“It’s time to hold Democratic politicians accountable for what they’ve done for these communities”, he said, adding: “What do you lose by trying something new like Trump?”

Trump's campaign shuffle The problem isn't who's working for The Donald — the problem is him