
Hillary Clinton takes on NRA in new gun policy plan

“How many people have to die before we actually act?”


It’s the first major proposal from Clinton during this campaign on gun control.

If pro-gun lobbies and politicians tried to block these new measures, Mrs Clinton said that as president she would take executive action to force them through Congress.

The former State Department chief said her vision doesn’t target law-abiding gun owners as much as it does unsafe people who plan to commit crimes with firearms.

Current law allows weapons to be bought from private “occasional” sellers without background checks. He opposed the five-day waiting period for gun buyers and backed the 10-year-old law that granted legal immunity to the gun industry.

If Congress won’t act Clinton “will take administrative action to require that any person attempting to sell a significant number of guns be deemed “in the business” of selling firearms”, a Clinton aide told CNN, meaning they will fall under background check laws.

“This is a classic Clinton attempt to distract from her record of putting classified information at risk and jeopardizing our national security, all of which the FBI is investigating”, said spokeswoman Emily Schillinger.

“Clinton was joined by the mother of a six-year-old victim of the 2012 school shooting in Connecticut”. Trump, .in particular, quickly transitions from, “I can solve any problem” to “we’ll just have to accept thousands of gun deaths because there’s nothing to be done”. That is really a sea change on the state legislative level.

“The committee has not released transcripts from witness interviews for myriad reasons, including the need to hear from all witnesses and gather all facts before drawing inferences or conclusions from those interviews, and the need to avoid tainting the recollections of future witnesses”, said Jamal Ware, spokesman for committee Republicans. He also supports ending the so-called gun show loophole as well as banning the sale of automatic weapons.

BERNIE SANDERS: If somebody has a gun and it falls into the hands of a murderer and that murderer kill somebody with a gun, do you hold the gun manufacturer responsible – not any more than you would hold a hammer company responsible if somebody beat somebody over the head with a hammer. That applies to her primary fight against Sen.

In a piece detailing Clinton’s new gun control proposals, the paper implied that gun sales made at gun shows or online are different than sales made elsewhere. But in the 1990s, he voted against the Brady Law because he didn’t want waiting periods for gun purchases.

Hillary Clinton on Monday lashed out at the special US House committee investigating the deadly attacks in Benghazi, Libya, calling it a partisan political exercise created to “exploit” the deaths of four Americans.


“Clearly if Sandra Bland, who was a middle class black woman, had been a middle class white woman, it is unlikely that the police would have treated her in the same way”, Sanders said.

Clinton to Unveil Gun Control Proposals