
Hillary Clinton Tells Seth Meyers Donald Trump No Longer Funny

Priebus and McConnell said nothing during the meeting and did not signal support for any effort to oppose Trump, the 2016 GOP poll leader who has threatened to mount a third-party candidacy if he is not “treated fairly”.


Donald Trump’s kitsch was mildly entertaining when he was opening new golf courses, selling books or hawking a reality TV show.

The comments by the former secretary of state and NY senator echoed a statement she released on Tuesday directed toward Muslim Americans.

Mr Trump’s incendiary comments on ethnic minorities and differently abled people have provoked criticism, but his significant fan base often lauds his apparent disdain for political correctness. Even if this were just a knee-jerk reaction in response the most recent act of domestic terrorism, it would be wrong, but Trump remains steadfast. The worst case, depending on how seriously you take him when he says “the death penalty is going to happen”, is that he wants to take sentencing out of the hands of juries altogether in cop-killing cases and put it in his own hands. Trump said in brief remarks to the several hundred police union members gathered for the endorsement.

For some time I have been saying that Muslim immigration into the United States should be stopped until we can properly vet them or until the war with Islam is over.

A petition to ban Mr Trump from the United Kingdom reached 500,000 signatures on Thursday night, and the British ambassador to the USA broke with diplomatic protocol to join the chorus speaking out against Mr Trump.

Americans are more fearful about the likelihood of another terrorist attack than at any other time since the weeks after September 11, 2001, a gnawing sense of dread that has helped lift Donald Trump to a new high among Republican primary voters, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. They will probably be asked whether they still abide by the pledge they took to support the Republican nominee – even if it’s Trump.

Republican support for Mr Trump has surged in the polls since his comments Monday.

“You’ve been highlighting what seem to be Trump’s weaknesses”, Scott, a participant told Luntz.

These Trump supporters are devoted to him and deeply invested in his candidacy. The Tonight Show and The Late Show have to play it safe, but the guys on an hour later have always been given a little more leeway to do what they can to snag the attention of sleepy viewers.

Yes, yes, politics is the art of the possible and the “Don’t Blame Me, I Voted for Deez Nuts” t-shirts aren’t going to get us very far. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., and Hillary Clinton.


The promise came amid growing concern among cops that President Barack Obama’s policies are stigmatizing and endangering them.

Poll: Voters fret Trump or Clinton in the White House