
Hillary Clinton tightens focus on gun control in New Hampshire

MANCHESTER, N.H. (AP) — Hillary Clinton issued a fresh plea for stricter gun control Thursday after a mass shooting in Southern California, saying no parent should have to worry about being killed at a holiday party.


Before taking any questions, Clinton spoke exclusively about the San Bernardino shooting, which killed 14 people and injured 21, and the need for increased gun-safety measures.

“The documents contain an email passed to Clinton in the days following the Benghazi attack in which the father of alleged Army deserter Bowe Bergdahl anguishes over the “‘Crusade’ paradigm” which he says “will never be forgotten in this part of the world”.

Clinton also slammed Republicans for supporting a law that allows potential terrorists on the no-fly list to purchase guns. But regardless of the couple’s reasons for the murders, something needs to be done to prevent gun violence, she added.

In the wake of the video’s release, activists have been demonstrating in Chicago and asking the city’s officials to take more action on what many say is a culture of brutality in the local police department.

In the first Democratic debate, Clinton said Sanders wasn’t tough enough on guns, citing the Vermont senator’s votes against the Brady Bill and vote for an immunity provision for the gun industry.

Clinton has been outspoken about gun control for much of her campaign, focusing on the issue and repeatedly calling for “common sense” gun control.

“They seem more interested in seeing who can say the most offensive and insulting things”, Clinton said of the GOP presidential candidates.

Clinton is headed to New Hampshire Thursday to continue campaigning.

“If you are too risky to fly in America, you are too unsafe to buy a gun in America”, Clinton said.

Clinton, the leading Democratic candidate, has been collecting endorsements of major unions, including the Service Employees International Union, the National Education Association and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees.

Republicans, in turn, said Clinton’s nod to gun control was misplaced.

Clinton’s gun policy platform also includes increasing background checks; repealing immunity for “negligent manufacturers;” tightening loopholes that allow domestic abusers, felons, and mentally ill people obtain guns; and reinstating the federal assault weapons ban.


Though Sanders never mentions his name the comments appeared aimed at Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, a long-time ally of the Clinton family and former White House chief of staff to President Barack Obama. Speaking in Washington, Sanders said the bad news is that the nation is divided over gun legislation. But she said she was not ready to commit to voting for the former USA secretary of state. “And these people need treatment when they need treatment, regardless of their income, regardless of their insurance status”, he said.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton speaks to several hundred area residents during a town hall style meeting in the gymnasium at the Mc Connell Center on Thursday in Dover New Hampshire