
Hillary Clinton, Tim Kaine make debut as running mates in Miami

“From Atlantic City to his so-called university, he leaves a trail of broken promises and wrecked lives wherever he goes”. “You just can’t find anyone with a bad thing to say about him”.


Hillary Clinton’s new vice presidential running mate, Sen. What a novel concept, right?

President Barack Obama says Donald Trump’s suggestion that the US might not come to the defense of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies is another sign of what he calls Trump’s “lack of preparedness” on foreign policy. She can take it any number of directions: laying out her vision for the next four years, opening up on a personal level, homing in on Donald Trump’s shortcomings, answering the over-the-top vitriol that was aimed at her during last week’s Republican convention.

By choosing Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate, Hillary Clinton opted for governing credentials over political pizzazz. Kaine said of the Republican nominee, calling Clinton “the direct opposite of Donald Trump”.

Clinton has said she wanted a running mate with enough experience to “literally get up one day and be the president of the United States”.

Trump was unimpressed, saying on Twitter he had watched the joint appearance and “ISIS and our other enemies are drooling. They don’t look presidential to me!”

Solomon said he believes a “vast majority” of Sanders delegates support these kinds of protests to express their dismay.

Kaine as Virginia governor from 2006 to 2010 forged close ties with the state’s Jewish community, which has grown rapidly in its Washington suburbs. He promised to take on the National Rifle Association and fight for “common sense” gun control.

“It certainly wasn’t helpful and I think Ms. Clinton has recognized that it wasn’t helpful at all, but you know, we all make mistakes in the course of our careers and our lives”.

On social issues such as civil rights and civil liberties, Kaine seems to be very liberal, but on economic issues “he seems a little conservative”, said Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-Manhattan.

Cohen, who is not a delegate himself, acknowledged that any bid to block Kaine from the ticket would be a hail mary pass and is nearly certain to fail.

Kaine, 58, was long viewed as a likely choice because of his resume in government and his time as chairman of the Democratic National Committee.

Linda Groverman, 62, of Blue Bell, said she’d vote for Clinton, but quickly noted the former secretary of state was far from her first choice.

Trump tweeted that Kaine “has been praising the Trans Pacific Partnership and has been pushing hard to get it approved”.

In picking Kaine, Clinton passed over liberal candidates who would have generated more grassroots enthusiasm like U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren of MA and Cory Booker of New Jersey, and Hispanic Cabinet members Julian Castro and Thomas Perez. This convention will be a time for Clinton and her supporters to savor the moment as she becomes the first female presidential nominee of a major party.

The TPP question was worked out during Kaine’s first meeting with Clinton, a campaign aide said.

It will be interesting to see how the Democrats move forward after 20,000 emails from the Democratic National Committee were leaked Friday, revealing many things, including their attempt to sink Bernie Sanders’ campaign by making his faith an issue.

Bernie Sanders, in an interview with me for Rose’s PBS program a few weeks ago, made it clear that he didn’t think Kaine should be Clinton’s choice.

Sanders waged a feisty yearlong battle against Clinton in the Democratic primaries.


In a tweet Saturday, Warren highlighted Kaine’s history, as a lawyer in Virgina, working to fight housing discrimination.

Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton and Sen. Bernie Sanders stand together during a July 12 campaign rally in Portsmouth NH