
Hillary Clinton to campaign in Milwaukee Sept.10

Clinton brushed aside any suggestion there is concern among Democrats about her use of a private email server while she was secretary of state. He was thronged by supporters as he walked the fairgrounds and eschewed the soapbox – where Iowans are encouraged to shout questions to candidates – in favor of often random interactions with voters. But she saved her most pointed barbs for Donald Trump, saying the attention in the GOP race had centered on a “certain flamboyant front-runner”. Friday night, Clinton used one of the summer’s biggest Iowa Democratic events, the multi-county Wing Ding dinner in this small northern city, to joke about the controversy and shift the blame to Republicans.


She took fewer risks on Saturday.

The man himself arrived in a chariot-ok, it was a golf cart-with a phalanx of security guards highway patrol, reporters and a lone, thin kid in a Trump for President shirt who tried in vain to help keep the crowd in line.

In the latest development, Clinton has agreed to turn over her private server to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, after months of refusal.

Still, it was the presence of Trump, who saw people climbing over tables to get a peek him, that dominated the show Saturday.

The Iowa State Fair has had locomotive collisions, a boar weighing 605.5kg and Johnny Cash for two performances that attracted 25,000.

But real-estate tycoon and Republican candidate Donald Trump, true to form, is taking it a step further, becoming perhaps the first candidate to arrive by helicopter.

To be clear, a Trump-Sanders match-up is even less likely than Bush-Clinton. People chased him on foot cheering. “Trump will do that”.

But Media Mattters, the Clinton family’s personal media watchdog, informs us that the “State Department is still working with the Intelligence Community to determine whether the information in the two emails should in fact be labeled as classified”.

Pressed by reporters, Clinton reiterated that she did not send or receive emails marked classified from her homemade email server while secretary of state, an issue that continues to overshadow her campaign. “So I’m going to let whatever this inquiry is go forward and will await the outcome of it”, Clinton said. Clinton said. “They ended up damaging our entire democracy”.

I saw her hair!” one fan proclaimed. Juggling a lemonade and posing for selfies, she told admirers that she needed their prayers and gave an enthusiastic review of the pork: “It’s so good!” she exclaimed. “It’s about politics”, she said.

While there’s no Iowa straw poll this year, the fair is a “contest” of sorts where candidates might have a breakthrough, or breakdown, moment while indulging in pork chop on a stick and fried butter. “We’ll walk and eat”. His unorthodox campaigning style and off-color remarks are seen as carefully crafted to appeal to the embittered and disillusioned within the Republican fold. Brighton said her “whole body felt on fire” while listening to Clinton defend herself.

“She’s not expected to live past …” her voice trailed off. “I mean, she can go at any time“.


“I don’t care how many super PACs and Republicans pile on”. In brief conversations with reporters along the half-mile-long route, Trump flashed his braggadocio, claiming to be attracting a crowd 10 times the size of Clinton’s along the parade route. He was not ready to call her inevitable.

Scott Olson