
Hillary Clinton to Emphasize Experience, Steadiness in Speech to Democratic Convention

Now the light shone on Mrs. Clinton, a source of both inspiration and scorn, after decades in public life.


As she prepared to deliver her speech, people familiar with the matter said the FBI is investigating a cyber attack against another Democratic Party group, which may be related to an earlier hack against the Democratic National Committee.

Later in her remarks, she noted that in Donald Trump’s convention speech, the Republican nominee “offered zero solutions”.

Kennedy, who has hosted Sanders’ fundraisers, said she isn’t fully satisfied with Clinton.

“Stronger together” was also a fitting theme when you realize how heavily she leaned on those who proceeded her to the podium this week to convince a reluctant American public that she should be president. After she left the stage, a lone voice in the audience kept calling out “One more!” to no avail.

Mrs Clinton warning that Mr Trump’s words should “set off alarm bells for all of us” and accused him of forgetting people such as America’s troops, police firefighters and teachers. We’ll see if that works; l suspect they’ll cancel each other out. She said Republicans have gone from Ronald Reagan’s “morning in America” to Trump’s “midnight in America”. The 68-year-old Clinton won the nomination after defeating her main opponent, Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders. “The America I know is decent and generous”, he had said. “That’s part of the strategy, but she also has to pass a threshold for folks”. Seeking to shine a light on Clinton’s resilience he repeatedly insisted that she Clinton simply couldn’t be kept down.

Even more, she gets to flatter Americans by telling them that voting for her is an act of national virtue: “America is great – because America is good”.

Wells added, “I have more problems with the system than with Hillary Clinton”.

Creating the appearance of a united Democratic Party at the Philadelphia convention was another imperative. Sanders was fully on board in trying to tame the progressive “revolution” he had fomented – and lost control of, to some degree. “Hollywood’s heart is connected to Bernie but the pocketbooks connected to the Clintons”. Rather than let the Democrats wallow in their own mess over their leaked emails, and let suspicions of Russian involvement take their own course, Trump invites Putin to hack the servers of, and commit espionage against, the United States Government. And on Monday night, he delivered a supportive speech to the convention.

“Don’t believe anyone who says ‘I alone can fix it, ‘” Clinton warned.

“I certainly know that with her as our commander-in-chief, our foreign relations will not be reduced to a business transaction, I also know that our armed forces will not become an instrument of torture”, said Allen. “I’ve been on the road with her since Iowa!”

“Conventions are like the Olympics of politics”. Neither was the predictable infomercial that parties strive for. A large chunk of the Republican electorate is as viscerally opposed to her as Democrats are to Trump. He would not have done that if Clinton had stolen the nomination. The Republican party nominee is well-known for his knee-jerk responses on Twitter and frequent spats with people. And in a shocker, the GOP runner-up for the nomination, Sen.

What Clinton has accomplished in her speech and mannerisms is a delicate balance. Trump is a petulant, dangerously unbalanced reality star who will coddle tyrants and alienate allies. Instead, we will build an economy where everyone who wants a good paying job can get one. We have to decide whether we’re going to work together so we can all rise together.

-Raising the national minimum wage.


On Clinton’s character, the Clinton machine again showed its ability to adapt and execute. Hillary Clinton today has a big rally here in philly and then she and her vp pick Tim kaine head out on a bus tour to these battleground states of Pennsylvania and OH, robin and George, you said it, 101 day, here we go. This theory explains that people expect women to act in certain ways – and that if a woman’s behaviour isn’t congruent with expectations of femininity, people won’t like or accept her. The double bind that female politicians face is augmented by the deep sense that leadership is a male domain and politics in general is a domain of power – power that we are not culturally comfortable to have women wield. Bonds of trust and respect are fraying. Just think that less than 100 years ago, a woman was not even guaranteed the right to vote, and just think that a little over 50 years ago, an African-American woman, Fannie Lou Hamer, was not even permitted to be seated at our convention. It truly is up to us.

Obama passes baton to Clinton, imploring nation to elect her