
Hillary Clinton to hand over email server to Justice Dept

Hillary Clinton relented Tuesday to months of demands that she relinquish the personal email server she used while Secretary of State, directing the device be given to the Justice Department.


Her attorney also has agreed to give agents a thumb drive containing copies of thousands of emails that Ms. Clinton had previously turned over to the State Department.

Clinton’s campaign and Kendall did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Our job is to look at the information that Secretary Clinton has passed on to us and to release it publicly…We’re not aware – with the exception now of these two emails that have been flagged – and we’re looking at them – but we’re not aware of any classified material that was sent to her at that time.

The U.S. official said the Federal Bureau of Investigation recovered at least two thumb drives containing the emails from Kendall.

Hillary Clinton has taken another step in an attempt to quell an email scandal that has threatened to slow down her 2016 presidential campaign.

As NPR has reported, Clinton’s latest email dump – some 1300 messages – happened at the end of July, but many of those emails were heavily redacted.

Her use of private email has been a major issue in the presidential race.

“That’s a long time for top secret classified information to be held by an unauthorized person outside of an approved, secure government facility”, he said in a statement. The chairmen of three Republican Senate Committees – Intelligence, Homeland Security and Foreign Relations – sent a joint request in March for both inspectors general to investigate the personal emails of Clintons’ aides. “She viewed classified materials in hard copy in her office or via other secure means while traveling, not on email”.

However, no matter how many assurances she makes, the issue will still not go away, and some Democrats worry that her email practice of using a private account for her official emails is a big reason polling indicates less people see her as honest and straightforward. The agency’s official position at this point was that the information was not classified until well after it was exchanged.

“The fact that Hillary Clinton sent “Top Secret” information from her personal email address is beyond outrageously illegal, it’s life-threatening to members of our military and every American citizen”.

She had refused for months to surrender the server that she kept in her New York home, saying she already gave her work emails to the State Department before permanently deleting all emails from the server.

The FBI is investigating whether classified information was improperly sent via the server and stored there. The government forbids the sending of classified information outside unsecured networks because it could harm national security if intercepted.

Where are all her emails? Her attorney said in March that no emails from the main personal address she used while secretary of state are on the server or backup systems associated with it.

Clinton said she used a computer server that was set up for former President Bill Clinton’s office, which had numerous safeguards and was protected by the Secret Service. The State Department has quibbled with the ICIG’s determination that some emails on the hardware were “Top Secret” when they were sent. She hopes that her emails will continue to be released in a timely fashion.

The Intelligence Community’s inspector general said from the beginning that it made a “counterintelligence referral” – not a “criminal referral” – to the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Mrs Clinton has previously handed over about 30,000 emails she sent and received. “They were not marked as classified”.


The inspector general for the intelligence community had told Congress that potentially hundreds of emails containing classified information are among the cache that Clinton provided to the State Department.

Hillary Clinton to give private email server to US Justice Department