
Hillary Clinton to propose increasing capital gains taxes as part of 2016

It wasn’t necessarily planned this way, but Hillary Clinton took questions from reporters on Monday.


Clinton added that she will defend and seek to expand the 5-year-old set of financial industry controls known as Dodd-Frank, and accused Republicans of trying to undo the protection the legislation affords.

On the capital gains tax, Mrs. Clinton confirmed a Journal report that later this week she will announce a proposal to revamp the tax so it hits short-term investors with higher rates.

Economists and activists were divided on the merits of Clinton’s plan. Clinton’s economic agenda calls for higher taxes on companies that focus on short-te…

Trump, on the other hand, is pulling Republicans far off message, and his offensive comments about Mexican immigrants threaten to aggravate the GOP’s large deficit among Hispanic voters.

Alexander Howard of the Huffington Post asked about the particular challenges posed by the “gig” economy and automation. He asked about the progressive Netroots Nation event held this weekend.

The Republican National Committee seized on Fernando’s controversial appointment on Monday, filing a Freedom of Information Act request about his former State Department position with the Office of Government Ethics.

Martin O’Malley was booed by the protestors when he responded to them by saying, “Black lives matter”.

The response was predictable and safe given Saturday’s events.

“Black lives matter. Everyone in this country should stand firmly behind that”, Clinton wrote.

Clinton called for body cameras on all police officers, prison reform, universal early childhood education and expansion of voting rights as steps for countering the effects of racism. Mitch McConnell said of the presidential hopeful: “I don’t think arguing “vote for me because I’m a woman” is enough”. Since then, Democrats have increasingly made battling income inequality one of their top goals. The proposal will seek to “encourage more people to use income contingency repayment program so you are paying back as a percentage of what you actually earn”. Follow-up questions can be ignored. She did not answer The Daily Caller’s inquiry about whether she believes that “All lives matter” is a problematic statement. In an economic address last week, Clinton decried what she termed the problem of “quarterly capitalism”, saying businesses are paying too little attention to research and development, improving factories and cultivating talent.

BuzzFeed’s Andrew Kaczynski asked, “Why didn’t you list Boko Haram as a foreign terrorist organization?” But Clinton also spent time on topics that would probably never come up in a normal press conference – her favorite pantsuit, hre feelings about being a grandmother, and her admiration for Nelson Mandela.

‘The question is, a woman president to do what?’ he said.


Clinton’s reply was brief but cut to the chase: “Amen, sister – you’re preaching to the choir”.

Hillary Clinton speaks during the Arkansas Democrats Jefferson Jackson Dinner 2015 in Little Rock Arkansas