
Hillary Clinton to resume campaign Thursday after pneumonia treatment: campaign

“She is recovering well with antibiotics and rest”, the statement reads.


It also increased calls for her and Donald Trump, her 70-year-old Republican rival, to promptly release more medical records, which each has vowed to do.

This photo combo of file images shows USA presidential candidates Donald Trump, left, and Hillary Clinton. Her body temperature during the visit was 99.4 degrees, Dr. Bardack said. “Hillary Clinton is tough”.

“Secretary Clinton will not be traveling to California tomorrow or Tuesday”, spokesman Nick Merrill said, hours after the 68-year-old candidate abruptly left the Ground Zero memorial in NY suffering from dehydration.

Following the revelation of Clinton’s pneumonia, Trump vowed soon to release “very, very specific numbers” from a recent check-up with Bornstein.

These comments were tossed into a bunch of boilerplate about Trump wanting Clinton to feel better and return to the campaign trail. It’s a lot like the birther issue: Trump’s campaign would certainly prefer he put the issue to rest by simply saying that President Obama was born in the United States. “I’ve always seen her get up earlier and stay up later”.

Thirty-eight percent have a favorable impression of Trump while 39 percent have a favorable impression of Clinton.

Bardack wrote previous year that while Clinton suffered a scare in 2012 following a concussion, she was now in good health.

While Obama never spoke directly about Clinton’s health or Trump’s controversial remarks about women, Muslims and Mexican immigrants, he suggested several times in his roughly 20-minute speech that Clinton has in her political career – including her tenure as secretary of state – repeatedly demonstrated her stamina and that she would swiftly return to the campaign. But in the face of that worst-case scenario, the GOP ticket does hold one advantage: more people think Indiana Governor Mike Pence is prepared to step up to the presidency compared to his Democratic counterpart, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine, according to the poll.

The Nigerian urged her campaign to perform a toxicological analysis of her blood – tweeting “it is possible she is being poisoned”. The Democrat is now taking a few days off the campaign trail, forced to the sidelines at a critical point in the fall election.

The Democratic presidential nominee is scheduled to speak in Greensboro, N.C., Thursday, according to her campaign.

The health details made public by the Democratic presidential nominee included a description of the pneumonia diagnosis Clinton received last week Friday.

Clinton has proposed 12 weeks of paid family leave.

The race there could come down to whether the Obama coalition – young, black and Hispanic voters – turn out to vote.

The share of voters who think Clinton’s health is “average” remained relatively flat at 28% in the new survey.

Democrat Hillary Clinton said on Monday she could resume presidential campaigning in a couple of days after a bout of pneumonia that she initially had not believed was “that big a deal”.

Milbank decided, I’m guessing, to avoid hammering Trump for what Bill Clinton recently charged was racially insensitive- Trump saying he would “Make America Great Again”.


“And then you’ve got The Donald, who just last week went on Russian state television to talk down our military and to curry favor with Vladimir Putin”.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton attends a National Security working session on Sept. 9 2016 at the Historical Society Library in New York. Hillary Clinton's doctor says she is recovering from her pneumonia and remains'healthy and