
Hillary Clinton: Trump’s Foreign Policy ‘Absolutely Bewilders’ Her

The number of likely voters who picked neither Clinton nor Trump in the poll was almost 24 percent. Former officials who have studied them, like former Defense Intelligence Agency director, Michael Flynn, say there are still classified documents from the raid that show Iran and al Qaeda enjoyed a much cozier relationship.


The number of likely voters who picked neither Clinton nor Trump in the poll was almost 24pc.

These leads can be attributed to Clinton’s diverse support base: blacks, Latinos, women, urban and suburban people all rejecting the Republican nominee. Trump has a 69/25 lead with white voters but the reason the state’s so competitive overall is that among non-white voters Clinton has a 73-21 lead, including a 68-27 edge with the state’s booming Hispanic population. Trump’s running mate, Mike Pence, has a favorability-unfavorability rate of 37 percent to 34 percent. She was also 8 points ahead with likely voters, 51%-43%.

Obama and Romney swapped the lead in the poll several times through the summer and early fall before the president took and held the lead in late October. This difference is due mainly to a widening gender gap.

Rep. Carlos Curbelo [R-FL] believes the Republican candidate isn’t conducting himself in the way that a candidate wanting to win a presidential election would and that he is trying to lose on goal so that Hillary Clinton can win, BuzzFeed reports.

“The gender split among white voters in Florida is huge”.

However, both candidates remain deeply unpopular among voters, the poll shows. Tim Kaine. Kaine had a 54% favorability rating in the state.

Clinton is citing the Olympics as an example of American achievement, arguing that opponent Donald Trump is offering a pessimistic view of America. “Just 19% of Trump voters grant that if Clinton wins the election it will be because she got more votes, while 71% say that it will just be because the election was rigged”. She narrowly edges past the GOP nominee in the key swing states of OH and Iowa. The incumbent’s lead is larger over Alan Grayson at 50 percent to 39 percent, with 5 percent saying they will vote for another candidate.

More Florida voters approve (47 percent) than disapprove (39 percent) of the job Rubio has done in his term as US senator.

Clinton suffered a concussion in 2012 while serving as secretary of State, though her personal physician Dr. Lisa Bardack released a statement a year ago saying Clinton is “in excellent physical condition and fit to serve as president of the United States”.

Rubio’s eventual endorsement of Trump surprised many observers after their heated exchanges during the primary campaign. In an interview with the Miami Herald this week, he said he stands by those attacks, but still supports Trump.

Despite Democrats’ relentless criticism of Rubio’s position on Trump, so far it isn’t causing him significant damage with voters. Conversely, since the 1964 election, only once has a Democrat won the white vote.


The poll was conducted among 15,179 adults between August 8 and 14.

Trump to propose ideological test for Muslim immigrants and visitors to the US