
Hillary Clinton Undermining VA’s Problems Will Trail Her Through — AP Reporter

The sketch would be unappealing, obviously, but also weird and contradictory. “She gave an excellent speech, she electrified the crowd”. She talked about issues that resonate with everyday Americans. But however, it completely seems like people are really, really starting to like Hillary Clinton.


The law written by Sanders strengthens the VA health care system by authorizing 27 new medical facilities and by providing $5-Billion to hire more doctors and other medical professionals to care for the growing number of veterans returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. Republicans are sure Hillary is bad, but they aren’t sure why.

Ms. Clinton pledged to fight total privatization of veteran healthcare, but said she would allow the government to work with private providers on a few services, according to the report.

“She’s got everything, but it’s her character that I love”, Clark told more than two dozen gathered at the UAW 838 Hall in Waterloo. Their solution, she argues, is little more than the full-scale privatization of veteran care.

“Let’s be fair”, Behar said. “They have to be solid”.

Mrs. Clinton also has a sizable 68 percent to 19 percent advantage over Mr. Sanders among non-whites and a 46 percent to 39 percent edge over the senator among whites. “There is nobody like Hillary Clinton in either party, and we’ve got to get her started from Iowa in the right way”. “If somebody had said that to Donald Trump and he had laughed, we would be ripping him a new one and she did not – she should have stood up to him”.

Now, political event or not, it’s just not amusing to say you want to strangle a woman, it’s gross, so this was the wrong human reaction. Clinton said in response to a question that she does not now support a declaration of war against the Islamic State given the diffuse nature of the group and the potential costs.

In fact, it was mainly Clinton’s economic policies that came under fire. Rubio: “Around the world, every day brings news of a new humiliation for America-many the … direct outcome of decisions made when Hillary Clinton was the secretary of state”. “Then there is the guy who wants to blow everything up”. Our military will continue to deteriorate. He was knocked by pundits for giving Hillary Clinton a free pass on her email woes at the first debate.


Their bizarrely contradictory portrait of Clinton points to what’s confusing in the Republicans’ own message.
