
Hillary Clinton wants you to ‘Pokemon Go to the polls’

Forty-five percent of likely voters supported former Secretary of State Clinton, 33 percent supported Trump, the wealthy businessman, and the remainder supported neither, according to the July 11-15 online poll.


Overall, the survey finds more voters say the Democratic Party best represents their healthcare views (47 percent) than the Republican Party (35 percent).

Trump had 34 percent favorable and 61 percent unfavorable, for a net negative rating of 27 points.

Another day, another poll – and this time, one that is substantially different than some of the polls that came out earlier this week.

Another 18 percent say she is only slightly honest.

Young voters surveyed between June 21 and July 3 said they would vote for Clinton over Trump by a margin of almost two-to-one.

In Florida, Quinnipiac found Trump up 3 percentage points to Clinton, 42 per cent-39 per cent. A staggering 47 percent of Trump supporters and 46 percent of Clinton supporters are only backing their candidate in order to prevent the other candidate from winning – not exactly a ringing endorsement for either of them.

Trump has harmed himself in the eyes of prospective voters with his own comments, but Clinton’s recent email scandal may have done the most damage to her reputation.

The survey was conducted shortly after the release of the Federal Bureau of Investigation report on her email practices that concluded Clinton had been “extremely careless” but did not commit a criminal offense.

FBI Director James Comey said last week that Clinton’s actions did not warrant prosecution and the Justice Department declined to seek criminal charges.

Trump’s personal campaign activity of tweeting and re-tweeting as much as he does is not necessarily as big a problem. He saw some improvement, however.

The WSJ/NBC/Marist poll was conducted from July 5 through 10. Mr. Sanders threw Mrs. Clinton his support less than two weeks before the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, where she is to be formally nominated. The Democrats hold their convention later this month.

When asked by Hampton pollsters which issue from a list should be the new president’s first priority, the top answer was improving the economy and creating jobs.


Just under one in four voters said they were most concerned about terrorism.

Slamming Trump, Clinton to promise action on immigration