
Hillary Clinton Wasn’t ‘Sophisticated Enough’ to Understand Classified Markings – FBI Director

Despite Clinton’s repeated public statements that there was no classified information on her personal email server, the Federal Bureau of Investigation probe found that classified information was in fact on the server.


The panel’s chairman, GOP Rep. At one point Goodlatte interrupted the hearing to admonish Lynch for refusing to answer, accusing her of an “abdication of your responsibility.”.

Lynch is testifying Tuesday before the House Judiciary Committee following a week of violence that brought that issue to the forefront.

Republicans, though, ramped up their criticism not only of Clinton but of the Justice Department’s handling of the case.

For Republicans, a contradiction exists between the statement Clinton gave under oath before Congress several months ago and the conclusion reached by the FBI in its investigation, specifically that the former first lady exchanged confidential information using her e-mail account, something that she had denied before Congress. And he tried to draw her out on whether Clinton lied about her handling of classified email.

Republicans are also following another line of attacks against Clinton. “Director Comey was speaking as someone who was more directly involved in the investigation”. Yet, she failed to provide “yes” or “no” answers, instead falling back on clearly scripted responses that offered no insight into the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails.

“I accepted that recommendation. I saw no reason not to accept it”, said Lynch here at a House Judiciary Committee hearing.

Of course, Clinton is dreaming if she believes she’s heard the last of emails. Lynch noted tersely as she testified.

“State by state, city by city, and county by county we might make this reform or that reform, but there is no national strategy to stop police from killing people – especially black people, especially black men”, wrote Democratic Reps. “If any of my colleagues are not yet convinced it is because they don’t want to be convinced”.

Representative Jerry Nadler asked Lynch what she thought of the pro-gun rights adage that “the only thing that can stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun” in light of the fact that the Dallas police officers shot last week were armed.

The issue of policing and discrimination against blacks was also raised by lawmakers as nationwide demonstrations are being held to protest the police shooting deaths of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, and Philando Castile in St. Paul, Minnesota.

While House Republicans asked for more details about her reasoning, she repeatedly deflected those questions, even regarding basics of the case.

But Comey also said there was no evidence that Clinton or her aides meant to violate laws governing classified actions, and therefore no reasonable prosecutor would bring a case.


Lynch has addressed the meeting with Bill Clinton, saying that it happened spontaneously because the two happened to be at the same airport in Phoenix at the same time.

Loretta Lynch