
Hillary Clinton Wins South Carolina Primary In A Rout Over Bernie Sanders

Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton hope to leverage their victories in the SC primaries in the cluster of a dozen states that hold primaries and caucuses on Tuesday.


Even before the race was called Saturday, the Sanders camp was pointing out that the Vermont senator was little known in SC before the primary and had already cut into Clinton’s wide polling leads.

“Sanders says he is not giving up…but he is struggling to prove that he is a viable candidate”, she said.

She told supporters: “Despite what you hear, we don’t need to make America great again”.

Tuesday’s elections, which together form so-called “Super Tuesday”, are crucial for both Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders.

During a raucous victory rally, Clinton briefly revelled in her sweeping support before pivoting quickly to the contests to come, saying: “Tomorrow this campaign goes national…we are not taking anything and anyone, for granted”. “Our grass-roots political revolution is growing state by state and we won’t stop now”.

The Afro-American community in the center of the various communities around the country has not benefitted from either the Obama administration or the Clinton administration before that, but here again, perception carries today as it has in SC. “You are correct. But I think you’re going to see us doing much better within the African American community outside of the Deep South. You’re going to see us doing much better in NY state, where I think we have a shot to win, in California and in MI”.

Sanders decamped to his home in Burlington, Vermont.

She had been predicted an easy victory in SC, where her campaign worked hard to win the support of the state’s large black population.

“It’s time, it’s time, it’s time for a woman in the White House”, the ecstatic crowd chanted back.


And it is a moment of redemption for the 2008 candidate, whose campaign against Barack Obama eight years ago reached one of its nastiest points before her big loss in SC that year. Clinton took 87 percent of their votes, compared to Sanders, who won only 13 percent. “So the fact that you still have all these people in the race it’s really helping Donald Trump”.

VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Trounces Bernie Sanders In South Carolina Primary