
Hillary Details Bernie’s Exit Strategy for Him

North Dakota’s Republican delegates are unbound since the state did not hold a caucus. According to the state Board of Elections, the late submission means that his name will still appear alongside his former co-candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich. “Trump fits neither of those criteria, so he stands to have the most to lose”. That night, 172 Republican National Convention delegates will be up for grabs.


Charlie Hocker, a retiree from Greensburg who is volunteering for Cruz, said he got behind the Texas senator after watching all the debates. Although some in Sanders’ orbit are talking about a fight at the convention in July, Devine said the only winning strategy is for Sanders to come out ahead in pledged delegates.

Finally, many delegate candidates have vowed to vote for the victor of their congressional district or the statewide primary.

“The demographics of Maryland’s Democratic electorate are similar to past primary states where Clinton has done very well”, Patrick Murray, the director of the Monmouth University Polling Institute, said in a statement.

“We are looking to win the votes of men and women in Pennsylvania”, Cruz said Friday outside the Hamilton Family Restaurant in Allentown.

Trump will reportedly tone it down – using a speechwriter, talking foreign policy, but still leaning on Ted Cruz to drop out.

“I’m honored to have Ed’s endorsement, and I look forward to working with him and the entire New York Republican Party as we head toward victory in November”.

Some delegate hopefuls have chosen to run with the consent of the candidates they endorse.

The Democratic primary, by comparison, is more straightforward.

And the already unrealistic idea that Bernie Sanders somehow might overtake Clinton and win the nomination has been put to rest once and for all. Bernie Sanders is giving him cover to say that she isn’t.

It is no secret that the Democratic party has been heavily favoring the former Secretary of State over Sanders. “We’re gonna have to win a lot of states and a lot of delegates”, said Tad Devine, Sanders Senior Campaign Adviser. As she narrowed Sanders’ dwindling opportunities to catch up, Clinton continued to build on her overwhelming support among superdelegates – the party officials who are free to back any candidate they choose. The Vermont senator ended the month with $17.5 million in his pocket, compared to Clinton’s almost $29 million.


Rooney said Clinton’s path in Pennsylvania should be clearer this year. “She’s always been a crooked person”, Trump told Fox News.

New York's Home State Winners Have November Problems