
Hillary Email Scandal: Clinton Takes Lying To A Whole New Level

Hillary Clinton claimed Sunday that FBI Director James Comey concluded her statements about using private email “were truthful”.


“Chris, that’s not what I heard Director Comey say, and I thank you for giving me the opportunity to, in my view, clarify”, Clinton responded.

Benghazi, her use of a private email server, Clinton Foundation donations and Americans’ faith in her honesty were discussed with host Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, where she also directly accused Russian intelligence of being behind the recent hack of the Democratic National Committee.

“But he didn’t get to do enough”, Clinton said.

NBC10 Lauren Mayk’s exclusive interview with Hillary Clinton and Tim Kaine This is the first local interview the Democratic presidential and vice presidential candidates have done together.

When Comey announced the FBI’s findings July 5, it was clear that there are obvious inconsistencies between what Clinton said publicly about classified information on her private email server before her Federal Bureau of Investigation interview and what the Federal Bureau of Investigation found. “When House Oversight Chairman Jason Chaffetz, R-Utah, asked whether Clinton had lied to the American public, Comey dodged: ‘That’s a question I’m not qualified to answer”. “He said a reasonable person in her position should’ve known that they were classified even if they weren’t marked”. “There is no classified material”. She also accurately testified that none of the emails in question had all required classified markings.

I am confident that I never sent nor received any information that was classified at the time.

When it came to talking Trump, Clinton called the Republican presidential nominee, “not temperamentally fit to be president and commander-in-chief” and responded to his recent comments where he called for Russian Federation to hack her emails -which Trump has said was simply sarcasm.

Comey replied it wasn’t true.

“I take classification seriously”. Then she declared that FBI Director James Comey has confirmed her statements on the matter as truthful.

Fact-checkers tore Clinton’s statements apart, and Scarborough laughed at the part of the interview where she blamed staffers for sending classified information on her own unsecured server.

Clinton, meanwhile, acknowledged again on “Fox News Sunday” that she made a “mistake”, while appearing to spread the blame around. You know, Wallace just sits there. She can’t stop, won’t stop, lying. I relied on and had every reason to rely on the judgments of the professionals with whom I worked. “Recalling” something that wasn’t said is inventing it, but Clinton is the inventor here.

“Donald Trump has shown a very troubling willingness to back up (Russian President Vladimir) Putin, to support Putin”, Clinton said.

Clinton’s interview augurs potential difficulty on the horizon as she seeks to unite believers of old-fashioned, Reagan-era conservatism, with the ideals of a socialist from Vermont and his legion of scrappy supporters.


We rate her claim trousers on Fire.

Democratic presidential nominiee Hillary Clinton appears on stage at a rally a Fort Hayes Metropolitan Education Center in Columbus Ohio. Clinton is coming under fire for claiming FBI Director James Comey said she was'truthful about past statements reg