
Hillary Laughs When Audience Member Says He Wants to Strangle Carly Fiorina

The frontrunner for the Democratic nomination released a number of plans Tuesday that she said would improve care for millions of American veterans.


Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton on Tuesday called for an overhaul of the treatment of USA veterans, including coordinating the health care system designed for veterans and modernizing benefits.

According to Gallup, Clinton now has a 63 percent net favorable rating among those on the left, up from 49 percent just before the debate.

The surprise poll was taken after Clinton was thought to have gained momentum not just from Biden’s exit, but from her recent performances in the first Democratic debate, her testimony in front of the Select Committee on Benghazi, and the SC Democratic primary forum.

In response, an amused Clinton laughed loudly to applause from the room.

The man, who said he was a former Hewlett-Packard employee laid off during Fiorina’s tenure as HP’s chief executive, said he wanted to “reach through” the television and “strangle” Fiorina when he sees her on television.

“I know that doesn’t sound very nice”, he said, before Clinton cut in. I think, I don’t take umbrage with him, I don’t even take umbrage with Mrs. Clinton.

“By laughing off a male questioner’s desire to strangle Carly Fiorina, Hillary Clinton and the Democrats have lost all credibility claiming to be a party that stands up for women”, said the statement.

Fifty-two percent of likely Democratic primary voters said they would vote for Clinton compared with 33 percent who said they would vote for Sanders. Clinton spoke with host Rachel Maddow about gun violence prompted by both law enforcement and civilians. A proposal floated by the Concerned Veterans of America, a conservative-leaning group, indeed calls for the VA to be turned into a government-chartered nonprofit. He said it was time to change the “narrative”, adding, “there is something special about this nation and we must embrace it and be proud of it and never give it away for the sake of political correctness”. He pointed to a veterans’ bill signed into law a year ago by President Barack Obama that included an expansion of private care options.


If elected President Republican Donald Trump would want all veterans eligible for VA health care to be able to bring their ID to any doctor or care facility that accepts Medicare to get the care they need immediately.

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton listens to a question from the audience during a veterans roundtable discussion with the Truman National Security Project at the VFW Hall in Derry New Hampshire