
Hillary: ‘Lot of Smoke,’ But ‘No Fire’ With Clinton Foundation

Clinton plans to speak in Reno, Nevada, on Thursday in an address that will accuse Trump of supporting an “alt-right” campaign that presents “a divisive and dystopian view of America”. You know, look, Anderson, I know there’s a lot of smoke and there’s no fire. State Department officials have said they are unaware of any agency actions influenced by the foundation. This AP report, put in it context, this excludes almost 2,000 meetings I had with world leaders, plus countless other meetings with U.S. government officials when I was secretary of state.


Hillary Clinton slammed Donald Trump and issued a strong defense of the Clinton Foundation Wednesday amid the Republican nominee’s claims that she used public office for personal gain.

“Hillary Clinton is a bigot who sees people of color only as votes, not as human beings worthy of a better future”, Trump said at a campaign rally here, speaking to an overwhelmingly white audience of supporters in the deep-red state. “The specific crimes committed to carry out that enterprise are too numerous to cover in this speech”. Why now promise you’ll stop taking foreign or corporate donations at only some segments of the foundation, unless you think the giving is clean, because it’s all going to your cause? I have nothing to say about it except that I’m really proud.

“It is only now because she is running for president that the work of the Clinton foundation is being tarred”, spokesman Brian Fallon told MSNBC earlier in the day. It looked at a small portion of my time, and it drew the conclusion, and made the suggestion that my meetings with people like the great Elie Wiesel, or Melinda Gates, or the Nobel Prize victor Muhammad Yunus were somehow due to connections with the foundation, instead of their status as highly respected global leaders.


I’ve been asked many, many questions in the past year about emails, and what I’ve learned is that when I try to explain what happened, it can sound like I’m trying to excuse what I did, and there are no excuses. And there are no excuses. “I would certainly do differently if I could”. “And I want to take care of the people who work for me and give them a reasonable time to transition which they will”.

Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump speaks to supporters