
Hillary more qualified than me, Bill to lead US: Obama

“Our power doesn’t come from some self-declared savior promising that he alone can restore order as long as we do things his way”, Obama said on the third night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia.


He proudly listed his achievements and said more was needed to be accomplished and Hillary Clinton was the leader to do it. He warned repeatedly Wednesday that the billionaire businessman is unprepared for the challenges that would await him in the Oval Office. To her detractors, Hillary’s dishonesty has only been reinforced by the revelations over her use of a private email server in government. “And no matter how daunting the odds; no matter how much people try to knock her down, she never, ever quits”.

“We’re going to carry Hillary to victory this fall, because that’s what the moment demands”, Obama said.

Tim Kaine is mocking Donald Trump for being ignorant of “basic civics” and wrongly saying Kaine was a awful governor of New Jersey. A son of Scranton, Pennsylvania, Biden appealed directly to the working class white voters who have been drawn to Trump’s populism, warning them against falling for false promises and exploitation of Americans’ anxieties. “That’s a bunch of malarky”, Biden said. “This guy doesn’t have a clue about the middle class”, he declared. Delegates chanted “not a clue, not a clue” and jumped to their feet.

Biden slammed Trump as unable to handle the complexities of a unsafe world.

In an implicit attack on Trump, Obama said traditional American values held by his grandparents _ such as modesty, honesty and kindness _ continue today and that “anyone who threatens our values, whether fascists or communists or jihadists or homegrown demagogues, will always fail in the end”.

Biden is vouching for Clinton in a speech to the Democratic National Convention. The vice president sought to convince average Americans that Clinton understands their concerns.

“The America I know is full of courage, and optimism, and ingenuity”.

Obama was given a standing ovation when he took to the stage and said of Trump: “He calls himself a business guy which is true, But I have to say I know plenty of business men and women, who achieve success without leaving a trail of lawsuits and unpaid workers and people feeling that they have been cheated”.

“It is inconceivable to me that any presidential candidate would be that irresponsible”, Panetta said. He tore into Trump, mocking his pledges to build a wall along the Mexican border, asking why he has not released his tax returns and slamming his business record, including the now-defunct Trump University.

Clinton also drew an endorsement from former Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg of NY, a Democrat-turned-Republican-turned-independent, who told the convention that he sometimes disagreed with the nominee but chose to unite with her because he saw Trump as a “risky, reckless, and radical choice”. “Trump says he wants to run the nation like he’s run his business”.

“I am a New Yorker, and I know a con when I see one”. “And we can’t afford to make that choice!”

The night of the DNC also offered a big opportunity for Tim Kaine, Clinton’s vice presidential pick, who introduced himself to an audience unfamiliar with his years as a governor and senator in Virginia.

Kaine said his son would “protect and defend the very North Atlantic Treaty Organisation allies that Donald Trump now says he wants to abandon”. That’s the Hillary I’ve come to admire. “You know who I don’t trust?” “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing”, Trump said.

The two-term president rallied his party’s faithful at their national convention, offering a comprehensive endorsement of his first secretary of state as the one person uniquely qualified to succeed him.

The night’s underlying theme is security — national security, economic security and safety from gun crime. Democratic vice-presidential nominee Tim Kaine, former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Vice President Joe Biden are also set to speak Wednesday.

Panetta paused frequently and kept his composure, sticking to his criticism of Trump’s comments earlier in the day that all but asked Russian Federation to hack into Clinton’s email. “Donald Trump can not become our commander-in-chief”.


Hillary Clinton has the stage.

US President Barack Obama is joined by US Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton after his address to the Democratic National Convention at the Wells Fargo Center in Philadelphia Pennsylvania