
Hillary says Bill Clinton as her VP has crossed her mind

On Facebook, you’ll meet her as an nearly unrecognizable young Arkansas mother with brown hair, big glasses and loafers, spotting her daughter on a pony ride; on the website Medium, she stares out at you, just another earnest face in a crowd posing for a 1965 high school class picture.


She blasted the GOP candidates in the 2016 presidential race for failing to address student debt, equal pay for women and income inequality.

That’s because “I think a lot of what he has said has been really inflammatory and destructive…”

Clinton was a prime target at the debate hosted by CNN at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library.

On Thursday, Clinton’s team seized on the candidates’ comments, particularly their virulent opposition to Planned Parenthood, the controversial women’s health organization that provides cancer screenings, health services and abortions.

Republican leaders are trying to avoid a politically damaging government shutdown as some conservative lawmakers demand to block federal spending on Planned Parenthood.

But the email controversy flared again when respondents were asked if they approve of the way Clinton is handling questions about the issue – 55 percent said they did not. “And don’t shut down the government”.

Meanwhile the party’s frontrunner, Hillary Clinton, has spent much of her time defending herself from allegations that she was dishonest and paranoid by breaking with protocol and using her own internet server and email system rather than the State Department’s system while serving as secretary of state.

Still, the Post-ABC poll found Trump and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson at the top of the GOP primary field, with Trump holding a commanding lead at 33 percent among ‘leaning-Republican voters’.


Her campaign said New Hampshire Gov. Maggie Hassan would endorse Clinton on Friday at an event at the University of New Hampshire.

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