
Hillary stays positive despite pressure over email server

“Obviously these years later it doesn’t look so convenient”.


“The debate over college this week was a microcosm of the broader choice in this election: Republicans want to stack the deck even more for those at the top, their policies would rip away the progress we’ve made“, she said.

The joke was well received in the room, as was her fiery 20-minute speech, during which she took aim at Republicans on issues ranging from education funding to equal pay for women.

“It is never raised in my town halls”, Clinton said. Noting she joined Snapchat earlier this week, she quipped: “I love it-those messages disappear all by themselves”. Clinton also told the 2,100 Democrats present that, “I’ve just provided my server to the Justice Department”. Clinton was then secretary of State.

Kopecky said her Democratic primary preference comes down to Sanders or Hillary Clinton. “It’s about politics. I will do my part to provide transparency to Americans”, she said. I’ll take care of our vets. She said Friday she has also offered to answer questions before Congress.

“But here’s what I won’t do: I won’t get down in the mud with them”. Anyway, the minute this horrific breach of national security is discovered, and the server handed over, “U.S. officials who have reviewed the correspondence” start leaking like the Andrea Doria, and the substance of the classified material is all over the Intertoobz.

Under mounting criticism for her use of a private server for sending and receiving official email during her four years as secretary of state, Clinton consented this week to turn over to the FBI the private server she used while at the State Department.

But now senior Republicans in Congress are demanding to know whether Platte River, which has managed her emails since 2013, has a backup file containing the deleted emails.

As for who, if anyone, removed any classified markings from the emails, those sending the information would have, presumably, sent them from their State Department email. It’s unclear what she and her attorney did over the following weeks to fully secure the sensitive data, according to people familiar with federal probes into the situation.

Clinton’s troubles were reflected this week in a new CNN/ORC Iowa poll, conducted August 7 to 11.

Sanders seemed to find it ridiculous.


The fund-raiser was held at the Surf Ballroom, the venue where rock-and-roll legends Buddy Holly, J.P. “The Big Bopper” Richardson, and Ritchie Valens played in February 1959 before they died in a plane crash here in Clear Lake.

Our opinion: Candidates' 'free' college plans need scrutiny