
Hints, tips and everything you need to know about Pokemon Go

Yes, we all know the anguish of when you’ve been chasing a rare Pokemon around your block and finally enter a battle only for your PokeBall to freeze as you’ve seemingly caught the little sucker. Furthermore, the issue seems to primarily affect those using mobile data rather than a Wi-Fi connection for connecting to the game servers. Luckily, there is a simple workaround that you can employ to capture Pokemon without any freezing issues and save your PokeBalls. The more you catch, the more experience you gain, and the faster you level up.


“We’ve had a lot of people on campus for new student orientation this week and we’ve seen a lot of folks walking around hunting Pokemon”, said NTCC’s director of marketing Jodi Weber.

So where should Mount Pleasant residents go to be the very best like no one ever was? Players can buy more incense at the Pokemon GO store. Pokemon will come to the PokeStop, and even if you leave that location, the Lure Module will keep working.

Unfortunately, the augmented reality camera isn’t the only blip in Pokemon Go’s gameplay. Players are reporting the game’s positive effects with dealing with mental health issues like depression and anxiety. If the icons are not there, there are high chances that your game will glitch out and you will lose your Pokemon. Another problem is that this game doesn’t run in the background on your smartphone, meaning it must be up at all times. But this game is still loads of fun regardless of how often you get to play, and not being forced to pay money to do so is a huge boon to Pokemon Go’s success.

From the looks of the video, it’s only in its exploratory stage, so don’t expect a Pokemon Go AR version anytime soon. The only thing I would really change to the game (other than the incense timer and Pokemon appearing inside of out-of-bounds houses) is adding a random encounter feature for those people who aren’t able to walk around in towns and play like they’d want to.


This Pokemon glitch is certainly obnoxious, but at least we cat rest easy knowing that the one who got away actually did get away on its own merit and not because Niantic doesn’t have their stuff together. Pokemon will get attracted to that particular PokeStop only for 30 minutes.

Pokemon GO Bugs and Freezing Issues Worsened In Latest Update?