
Hispanic protesters heckle Jeb Bush in Houston

The former Florida governor and current Republican presidential candidate made the joke while describing the country’s “broken immigration system”. Bush sometimes campaigns in fluent Spanish and is fond of relating details that highlight the influence of Hispanic culture at home.


“To be party-oriented makes you a non-visionary, it boxes you in”, Holmes said, a registered Independent.

But then, appealing to Donald Trump supporters has lately seemed more important to Bush, a Catholic convert, than living up to the example of Pope Francis.

To have an assimilated society means losing the key things that allow people to share and explore cultures when they intersect. “He kept us safe”, he said, again drawing applause. When he ran for president, he often bragged that his appeal to Hispanic voters would help the Republican Party gain support among the fastest growing ethnic group in the nation. “My life really began in earnest when I was 17 years old in León, Mexico”, Bush has said of the 1971 encounter, according to Politico.

Yet as Jeb’s official campaign fundraising and spending appears to be in some degree of turmoil, a key point missing from news reports about the well-funded independent “Bush Super PAC” that Bush supporters are relying on, is the word “independent”. “It doesn’t matter”, Bush said to a roomful of Hispanics.

“A few huge financial institutions sit securely at the top, insulated from competition by regulations that impose heavy compliance burdens on their smaller rivals” the Bush campaign document said about Dodd-Frank.

Bush was seen addressing a group of Hispanic business leaders in Houston Monday, flaunting his education record, tax strategy and backing for the “earned legal status” in a stump speech sprinkled with references to billionaire businessman Donald Trump.

Bush called for more humility and less “grandiose language”, less trash talking and more support for people struggling to rise.

Javier Palomarez, president and CEO of the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, after being asked if U.S. Sen.

“Over a 6 year period, we didn’t cultivate those relationships”, she lamented to ABC News. Bush insisted 4 percent annual US economic growth for a decade is an attainable goal as he campaigned today in Iowa, brushing aside questions raised by economists about whether he’s overreaching.

The plan also says that unspecified regulations imposed by the Food and Drug Administration that “make food more expensive without materially improving health outcomes”. He says the hundreds of billions of dollars it would cost is not a conservative, practical plan.

All three endorsed former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney during the 2012 election, according to Catholic news website Crux, which first reported their Bush endorsements.

I understand how Bush could think assimilation would fix race relations in the States – when everyone is the same, it would seem there would be no need for discrimination, violence or fear. “But now he’s sort of also being ‘Trump-ified, ‘ where he’s trying to appease to that audience”, Moreno said.


However, it was Jeb’s views on student loans that stuck out the most during his speech.

Jeb Bush