
Hollande to meet Obama on counter-terror cooperation

A White House official said on Tuesday President Barack Obama has been briefed on the law enforcement operation in a suburb of Paris.


Hollande will meet with Obama in the Oval Office on November 24 to discuss “further cooperation” in the anti-terrorism effort, the White House said.

The announcement comes as France seeks to build a grand coalition, which includes the United States and Russian Federation, to battle the terrorist group, but experts believe the meeting in Washington will be mainly symbolic and that there is little France can do to sway the Americans to put boots on the ground or get Washington to coordinate more closely with Moscow.

ISIS claimed responsibility for the strikes and the extremist group released a video this week threatening similar attacks in major USA cities.

He says the US has been actively sharing intelligence with France since the attacks last week.

The U.S.-led coalition has been bombing IS targets for more than a year. So hang in there.

French Prime Minister Manuel Valls said Hollande would visit Washington and Moscow to push for a single alliance to combat ISIS, Reuters reported.


Also on Tuesday, Russia’s Vladimir Putin held talks with Hollande aimed at boosting coordination of their military actions over Syria, the Kremlin’s website reported.

1119_Obama Attacks Terrorism