
Hollywood Reacts With Emotion, Pride to Personal Speeches at DNC Day Two

Scripting history, the 68-year-old former secretary of state today became the first woman to win the presidential nomination of a major USA party as she secured the backing of the Democrats to set up an epic clash with Republican rival Donald Trump in the November polls. “That’s why we’re here tonight with Hillary Clinton (.) In memory of our children, we are imploring you, all of you, to vote this Election Day”.


Most of the unconfirmed and inaccurate charges lobbed against her come from a serial liar, serial adulterer and constant fraud with no experience in elective office and a questionable, mostly fabricated image of a businessman with more claims than accomplishments or success.

This time she shattered the glass ceiling she could not crack in 2008. This is really your night. “I hope you’ll elect her”, he said.

Bernie Sanders loyalists protested inside and outside the Democratic National Convention site and clashed with police on Tuesday after Hillary Clinton won the party’s presidential nomination.

Disregarding those rights, Frank implied, because a failure to support Clinton would help Donald Trump.

“This moment is for every little girl who dreams big”. She became, as she often said, our family’s designated worrier.

Former President Bill Clinton did a great job of articulating the accomplishments of his wife, Hillary Clinton, the Democratic presidential nominee, Mahoning Valley delegates to the party’s convention said.

Clinton said he and Hillary have been together in “good times and bad, through joy and heartbreak”.

They remain a “two for one” package, as Bill Clinton famously said during his first presidential race. Rather, Bill Clinton focused almost exclusively on his wife’s achievements and how she’d influenced him.

She has served as a Democratic delegate at conventions in the past.

Maryland Sen. Barbara Mikulski nominated Clinton, saying she was acting on behalf of “all women who have broken down barriers for others”.

“The idea that Im going to be here when the first woman president is nominated is overwhelming, ” she said. You can see many of them understanding the necessity of getting on board. You were the first to go to college.

Shields’ son was just 5 during her first election. Maybe the first to be a citizen.

He recounted the early days of their courtship, including when she approached him in the law library after he’d spent days staring at her from afar. That’s what Hillary wants to do.

“I think it’s a move forward”.

Former President Bill Clinton speaks on the second night of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. “And we weren’t welcome”, said Liz Maratea, a New Jersey delegate at the media tent protest.

Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton addresses the Democratic National Convention via a live video feed from NY during the second night at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. But Hillary’s problem is that it’ll take more than one speech to address her inauthenticity issue – a difficulty she has struggled with for years and that won’t be fixed overnight.

She leads a party still grappling with divisions. “That is just who she is”, Clinton said.

He explained that he had to ask Hillary Clinton to marry him three times before she finally agreed, and talked about how he made it home from a trip to Washington just in time for her water to break when she gave birth to their daughter, Chelsea. Last week she selected Virginia Senator Tim Kaine as her running mate.

A proponent of clean energy, Clinton is known for being a strong advocate of Indo-US ties.


Calm and unity may be what Sanders is pushing for, but many Sanders supporters are loudly and clearly pushing back.

Michelle Obama on Hillary Clinton: 'I'm with her.'