
Holy month of Ramadan begins

Ramadan will be particularly hard this year for many Muslims in the northern hemisphere, coming in summer with its long days and hot temperatures across much of the Muslim world.


Muslims determine the beginning of their holy month by following a lunar calendar, which is based on the different moon phases.

UK Muslims are facing the longest Ramadan fast in 33 years.

This year Ramadan started on the evening of June 5 and will end on the evening of July 5.

“Party members, cadres, civil servants, students and minors must not fast for Ramadan and must not take part in religious activities”, said a notice posted last Thursday on the official website of the city of Korla in central Xinjiang. Muslims attend early morning Eid prayers the day after Ramadan.

Ahead of the first day of Ramadan and during, I would like to think most Muslims in the United Kingdom (and perhaps in the West) go through these moments…

The sick, elderly and very young children don’t take part in the full fast, but they can if they want.

“I appeal to the Muslim Community to offer special prayers for the continued peace and progress in the state and for the peaceful conduct and success of the gubernatorial election holding later in the year”.

Ramadan is a holy month of fasting, self examination, and prayer, and is believed to be one of the five fundamental principles of Islam.

But the fasting provides focus and room for heightened spiritual awareness and reflection in their lives, he said. It is usually shared with friends and family. Muslims in those regions have the choice to follow the daylight hours of Mecca in Saudi Arabia, or nearby Muslim countries. Muslims observing Ramadan participate in iftar, the daily breaking of their fast after the sun sets, and the meal is often eaten communally. Iran and Pakistan had not yet proclaimed the start date of Ramadan, so it could begin there a day or two afterward. He added that they can’t eat and drink during the entire day, but that does not mean that they can’t have friendly walks and conversations.


Greece’s Education and Religious Affairs Ministry announced that prayer spaces will be specified for Muslims in Athens on Eid al-Fitr, which marks the end of Ramadan.

Muslim Students Fast for Ramadan Holy Month