
HomeDid Israel Really Use Dolphin To Spy on Hamas?

The Palestinian Authority yesterday accused Hamas of holding secret talks with Israel that would endorse the separation of Palestinian territories.


Egypt will allow a Hamas official detained two days ago at Cairo airport for problems with his paperwork to return to Gaza, security sources said on Wednesday. “Although the daily night curfew had started, the Egyptians insisted that the bus must begin its journey from Rafah to Cairo”, said the eye witness who wished to remain anonymous.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office denied “contact” but did not deny that there were talks, saying only: “There are no meetings with Hamas”.

Lifting the Israeli siege on Gaza has become a Turkish issue, said the Turkish advisor, confirming that a solution will be reached in the nearest future.

The agreement, carried out unilaterally by Hamas without consulting the Palestinian Authority, strengthens the political divide with Fatah and will eventually detach Gaza completely from the West Bank and Jerusalem, he argued.

Hamas military officials claim to have captured a dolphin off the coast of the Gaza Strip that was equipped by the Israelis with “spying equipment”.

Hamas and Israel are bitter enemies and have fought three wars since Hamas violently wrested control of Gaza in 2007 from forces loyal to the Western-backed Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas.

Al Saifi will remain in detention until issues with his paperwork are resolved, he said.

Mr Aktay said that, on a visit to Turkey, Mr Meshaal had discussed details of the truce as mediated by Mr Blair.

Marked as a “top priority”, Israeli security services have tested new technologies for spotting movement or cavities below ground, the sources explained, but said that the system has not been officially announced as fully operational.


The road from the Rafah border crossing runs through northern Sinai.

A spy? It's been reported a camera was attached to the dolphin as well as a weapon that could fire small arrows