
Homeless man charged with murder of US college student in Rome

Italian police on Tuesday arrested a 40-year-old homeless man suspected of murdering USA student in Rome while the victim’s university sought to reassure other students they were not under threat.


A Florida man who authorities say accidentally shot and killed his 14-year-old son at a shooting range is blaming himself – not the gun – for the death.

Police took suspect Massimo Galioto, 40, into custody Tuesday, saying he was “seriously suspected of aggravated homicide” in Solomon’s death. He had a head wound, a bloody shirt, and no wallet or cell phone.

A van leaves for the morgue with the body of a young man who was found along the banks of the Tiber river in Rome, Monday, July 4, 2016.

Solomon was enrolled in a summer program at John Cabot University, an American school located near the center of Rome.

Officials said he failed to show up at orientation Friday morning.

On Friday, Solomon’s family discovered his credit card had been stolen, with $1,500 in charges.

Solomon had been sight-seeing with fellow students Thursday night in a Roman neighborhood popular with American tourists and students.

“We are greatly saddened by this loss”. We express our most heartfelt condolences to the Solomon family and to all those who loved Beau.

Officers told The Daily Beast that Solomon was assaulted by a local gang of thugs.

Solomon, 19, was reported missing on June 30, the day after his arrival in Rome.

Police told ANSA that Solomon was also kicked twice.

Sky TG24 TV also said the witnesses reported seeing someone pushed into the Tiber near Garibaldi Bridge.

As an aspiring lawyer, Solomon had fought cancer from a young age until he was 12 years old.

Perhaps due to his affinity for politics, Solomon participated in Badger Boys State Camp, where he worked as a counselor, according to the Journal Sentinel. Mogni died three months later, after being taken back to the United States to continue to receive medical care. The roommate, anxious when Solomon didn’t show up for an orientation the next morning, alerted John Cabot University, which alerted Italian authorities, the U.S. Embassy and the University of Wisconsin. He was majoring in personal finance. The 21-year-old had been missing for two days and had been out with friends at a nightlife hot spot in the city.


This is not the first time that an American has turned up dead after being declared missing after a night out in Italy.

Italian authorities confirmed the body was Beau Solomon a University of Wisconsin student who was studying abroad in Rome. On Tuesda