
Homer Simpson plays Pokemon Go while Bart, Lisa whine

It seems like everyone is down with Pokemon Go.


If you needed any indication that Pokemon Go is now everywhere, it’s filtered it’s way into Springfield with everyone’s favourite fictional character Home Simpson jumping on board with the hot new free-to-play app.

The off-season promo clip finds Homer studiously catching them all while Bart and Lisa run around the zoo (“See Your Animal Friends in Prison”, reads the entrance banner).

The Simpsons network FOX rushed the video online over the weekend to take advantage of the craze, but eagle-eyed viewers (thanks, commenters!) have spotted this is an officially redubbed clip from an existing episode. To be fair, it’s not like Homer was ever the most attentive father – though we admit that Pokemon GO brings out the easily distracted part in all of us, too. Lisa, who’s chilling by the giraffe exhibit, tries to get her dad’s attention by telling him the mother giraffe is giving birth.

Homer, however, isn’t having any of their nonsense.


Surprisingly, Homer does give into his daughter’s request even if it’s begrudgingly at best. Is it an accurate representation of how adults are splitting their time between pokemon training and parenting or not?

The Simpsons catch on to Pokemon Go