
Hope peace accord becomes ‘honourable settlement’, says former Nagaland CM

Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who today announced a historic peace accord with militant group Nationalist Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), said the Naga problem is a legacy of the British rule. “I am happy, I welcome this…All these are in principle, the nitty-gritties have to be worked out so that it becomes an honourable settlement acceptable to the people”, Rio told ANI.


The two officials told a news conference that the accord was “historic”, but gave no specific details about it.

The group entered a cease-fire in 1997 but in almost 18 years no formal peace deal could be agreed upon.

“I sincerely thank Shri Isak Swu, Shri Muivah and other Naga leaders for their wisdom and courage”, he added.

Modi said peace, security and economic transformation of the northeast were among the highest priorities of his government and was at the heart of his foreign policy.

In his brief comments, he praised Mahatma Gandhi who, he said, had understood and respected the Nagas.

In his remarks, PM Modi said that the Naga political issue, which lingered on for six decades, took a huge toll on generations of Naga people.

“The Prime Minister said, “… unfortunately, the Naga problem has taken so long to resolve because we did not understand each other”.

Speaking on the occasion, Muivah said, “I thank God for this momentous occasion”.

“Under the management of PM Narendra Modi, we’ve come near understanding one another and labored out a brand new relationship between the 2 events”, T Muivah stated additional. “Nagas will forever remember you for your statesmanship”.

The Government interlocutor also held frequent consultations with broad spectrum of Naga leaders, including those from the traditional tribal bodies, civil society, youth and students’ bodies, women’s groups, elected representatives and other stakeholders.


Modi said Naga courage and commitment were legendary and they represent the highest levels of humanism.

Peace in Nagaland: Government signs pact with NSCN-IM