
Hope Solo reiterates concerns over Zika at the Olympics

And here in Florida, Gov. Rick Scott has declared a health emergency regarding Zika in four Florida counties.


Traces of the Zika virus have been identified in the tissue of two babies who died in Brazil from a birth defect marked by underdeveloped heads and brains, US health officials said Wednesday.

From the total of 66 cases of the Zika virus infection reported in the USA, one case is believed to have been sexually transmitted and all the other cases were travel related.

Those who are infected are instructed not to travel to north Queensland, where the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in that area could bite them and begin transmitting the virus locally. Researchers suspect it causes a severe neurological condition called microcephaly in babies of infected mothers. “I think the concerns of people who haven’t traveled [to infected areas] should be next to zero”, he said.

Transmitted exclusively by mosquitos, Zika is an infection that remains in your blood stream for up to a week, resulting in symptoms that include fever, rash, red eyes, muscle and joint pain and headaches. In response to concern about the Zika virus, state agencies and other key stakeholders have been alerted. In El Salvador, health officials are warning women against pregnancy until 2018. If possible, avoid traveling to countries with active transmission of Zika, especially if pregnancy is planned, or if the person is already pregnant.

The school, which is located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, said in a message to students, staff and faculty on Wednesday evening that the student had traveled overseas over the winter break and later tested positive for the virus, but has since recovered “and is feeling well”.

Planning is underway for a Zika virus tabletop exercise to ensure Ohio’s preparedness at the local and state levels prior to the 2016 mosquito season that runs from May to October.

Current efforts to combat Zika are focused on protecting people from being bitten and on eradicating mosquitoes, a tough task for many parts of the poverty stricken Pacific islands that have been saving water from the El Nino enforced drought, inadvertently providing a breeding ground for the disease spreading insect.


“If someone gets a nasty gastro infection, vomiting and diarrhea, it’s not ideal for competing in an Olympic environment”, Hughes said. “The Zika virus, if you are not pregnant, is a very minor illness”, he said. The World Health Organization (WHO) stated to BBC, rapid research, containment and aid to individuals suffering or at risk of the Zika virus is necessary. “We have taken active steps to train staff on signs and symptoms, and recognize these threats as they present to either our emergency departments or office-based practices”.

Zika no threat to 2016 Rio Olympics