
Horndog Husband Bill Clinton Caught Flirting At Hillary Rally

So as discomfited Republican Senate candidates released statements trying to change the topic or have it both ways Wednesday, Democrats made plans to link their largely male opponents to Trump, aiming to win back control of the Senate in November by electing Democratic women from coast to coast. Bernie Sanders. “People who don’t have the same opportunities that you and I should have the same opportunities as you and I”, actor and comedian Sarah Silverman said in support of Sanders. Clinton said that when it comes to trade, a President Hillary Clinton would call on the first husband to broker deals and “be in charge”.


The last thing she expected to see, the 25-year-old Portland resident confided later, was former President Bill Clinton walking through the door of the popular Northeast Alberta Street establishment. “If you want to talk about wreckage, look at the devastation President Obama and Hillary Clinton have caused in our coal producing counties”. One Bend Republican said he wanted to hear what Clinton had to say after several Republican candidates recently dropped out of the race. “And they like the bashing because they feel like they’ve been bashed”, said Clinton, “and the rest of us, their fellow Americans, don’t give a rip about them”. “Or if she has, she hasn’t told me”. She is studying psychology at COCC and came more out of curiosity.

“We need you all here”, diner Ron “Speedy” Hunter told Clinton.


“Well, this is an intensely personal decision”, Clinton replied. “I wouldn’t be looking at it if I were totally uninterested”. “Ha-ha-ha. Sally Miller! Yeah, she was talking about me the other day”. “Today I am announcing that I will form an exploratory committee to run for president”.

Cinco de Clinton President Clinton Campaigns for Hillary in Portland