
Horsham’s Rep. Todd Stephens Is Running For Attorney General

Kane says the emails will help her defend against allegations that she broke laws by releasing confidential grand jury information to a Philadelphia newspaper.


Adams County prosecutors say Abraham Cruz Jr., 54, killed 17-year-old Deborah Patterson and her mother Nancy Patterson during a burglary at their home in 1980. She claims those who want to keep them private are part of a campaign to discredit her and that a grand jury judge was preventing their dissemination.

Besides the perception of retaliation, Kane’s spokesman Chuck Ardo said other concerns surround the disclosure of the names of other people who exchanged the emails.

The agents sought information about whether Kane suggested to union officials that she would look favorably on their contract if they supported her embattled chief of staff, sources said. The privacy issues could be third parties from the outside who sent or forwarded emails, he said. In that case, she maintained the emails were not a “record” subject to the Right to Know law.

“If she were to release some of the emails, it may be perceived as retribution or seeking to embarrass somebody”.

A preliminary hearing in the case, filed in Montgomery County, is scheduled for Monday.

She’s now facing charges that include perjury and obstruction for an alleged grand jury leak. “I’m running because now, more than ever, we need an experienced prosecutor as our next Attorney General”.

Kane is not convinced she can release the “porngate” emails despite orders from the state Supreme Court that indicate the action would not violate a protective order she claims bars the release, her spokesman said Wednesday.

Last fall, Kane made public many emails and attachments her investigators found in the computer system when reviewing how the office investigated child predator Jerry Sandusky, a former Penn State assistant football coach convicted of molesting 10 boys.


To borrow her estranged husband’s trucking motto, “Kane wasn’t able” to do the job she was elected to do from Day 1 and her insane rantings are proof she needs to go now. The Order permits the “appropriate public disclosure” of the “possibly pornographic images” that Attorney General Kane referenced in her recent public statement.

Horsham's Rep Todd Stephens Is Running For Attorney General