
Hostess launches Deep Fried Twinkies

This Wednesday, Aug. 3, 2016, photo, shows boxes of Twinkies in the freezer of Associated Press reporter Anne D’Innocenzio in NY.


Last year, Paste tried everything deep-fried at a fair, and we can confirm that deep-fried Twinkies are better than the regular ones, “taking off the chemical edge and slightly stale texture”.

You won’t have to go to a summer carnival or a state fair to get your deep-fried Twinkies anymore. Consumers will need to finish preparation at home.

“While it likely is a bit different result than say, how the folks at your state fair would do it, the at-home version of these packaged treats is also a lot easier than firing up a deep fryer”, she added. There are seven deep-fried cakes in a box. After that, they will be available at other stores.

According to The Associated Press, the prepackaged deep fried Twinkie, selling for $4.76, can be baked in an oven for six to eight minutes at 350 degrees but will cost the person eating them 220 calories that they will have to exercise off later.

“It has a retro cool factor”, said Ellen Copaken, vice president of marketing at Hostess. In comparison, a Starbucks Carmel Frappuccino has 420 calories, 15 grams of fat and 66 grams of sugar.

This isn’t the first time the company has tweaked its Twinkies.


WORKING IT OFF: A person who weighs about 150 pounds would need to run for 20 minutes at 10 miles per hour, take a 40-minute spin class or do a 50-minute bike ride, says Amy Gorin, a Jersey City, New Jersey-based registered dietitian-nutritionist. Last month, the company launched Key Slime Twinkies in conjunction with the new “Ghostbusters” movie.

Walmart Now Sells Deep Fried Twinkies