
House conservatives serve notice to Ryan and Clinton

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump finally sat down Wednesday night for a traditional interview.


He added, “The obvious takeaway from these numbers is that Donald Trump has staged a comeback from his post-Democratic convention lows, especially in Pennsylvania and Ohio”. As Silver says, though, most people (me included) are focused on on the margin between Clinton and Trump, not the large proportion of votes still potentially up for grabs.

And for those Americans who don’t care, there’s more evidence every day that they should.

Again, this is not an exoneration of Hillary Clinton. They were all men, some with full beards. Spoken like a guy who criticized Carly Fiorina’s looks. And the lovely thing is women don’t like her, ok?

But that did not disqualify her from serving as the nation’s Commander-in-Chief, she insisted at a TV forum of military veterans.

The fallout from Lauer’s abysmal performance at NBC forum has not gone unnoticed. An overwhelming 84 percent said they favored a path to citizenship for them, an option advocated by Hillary Clinton.

It was not as bad as panicked Clinton partisans made it seem, but Lauer did exhibit the classic signs of a cloistered elite figure attempting to demonstrate his own seriousness despite knowing little.

The Daily Show’s Travor Noah asks, “What the f*ck was Matt Lauer doing?”

Trump’s foreign policy positions have already driven more than 50 Republican national security experts to refuse to back him.

Lauer taking a softer tone with Trump should have been expected. “Maybe the Democrats are putting that out – who knows”, Trump told King. NBC would have been better off even having Al Roker moderate.

“He’s been a leader far more that our president has been a leader”, Trump said of the Russian president.

Putin reportedly called Trump “brilliant” and “talented” in conversations with journalists late past year, a comment that he later denied making. “I don’t know that he’s saying that he agrees with everything that Putin does, he’s just making an observation”.

From Pier 86 in New York City, the U.S.S. Trump said, claiming he had not heard Putin’s statement.

Putin biographer Steven Lee Myers writes: “Russia’s critics – and certainly the White House – would dispute Putin’s accomplishments, noting the corrupted, kleptocratic economy and a stunted political system that has marginalised genuine opposition, at times violently”. Clinton nearly certainly won’t be winning Texas any more than Trump will carry NY, but Trump’s poor showing there is a reminder of his weakness among Republicans nationwide.

Trump claimed that he learned in his briefing that the Obama administration wasn’t following the advice of the intel analysts.

“We believe we have to work extra hard to make sure that the positive notion of what she wants to do breaks through given the amount of interest that there is (in Trump) and what he says and also in what we say about him”, Clinton’s communications director, Jennifer Palmieri, told reporters on her plane. Intel analysts are professionals trained to be non-partisan and just present the information in such situations.

Trump went from Wednesday’s NBC forum to an interview with a Kremlin mouthpiece, TV network Russia Today, arguing “it’s probably unlikely” that Russia was responsible for the hacking earlier this year of the computers of the Democratic National Committee – and despite the reported belief of various USA intelligence agencies that indeed the Russians are complicit, Trump argued that it was the Democrats who “are putting that out”.


In the same vain, Trump was qualified to speak about US education at Cleveland’s Arts and Social Science Academy because he founded the vaunted Trump University.

Hillary Clinton Press Conference