
House conservatives serve notice to Ryan _ and Clinton

In her words, Isis are now saying, “Please, Allah, make Trump president of America”.


New Quinnipiac University polls out Thursday show close races in the four largest, most consequential swing states on the 2016 map – but also give Hillary Clinton an edge in two of the four, confirming her Electoral College advantage.

Again, this is not an exoneration of Hillary Clinton. They were all men, some with full beards. Trump’s comment was predictably sexist. Spoken like a guy who criticized Carly Fiorina’s looks. And the handsome thing is women dont like her, ok? Spoken like a guy who tweeted cynically that military rapes should have come as no surprise after women were allowed to enlist. First of all, she put national security at risk by using unsecured, private email servers to regularly transmit top secret, classified information, which is certainly relevant to her aspirations of becoming Commander-in-Chief.

Clinton has taken flak for not having had a formal press meeting since December 4 – while Donald Trump, who professes to hate the media, meets frequently with reporters and calls her “Hiding Hillary”. CNN reports, “NBC News knows the “Commander-in-Chief Forum” was not Matt Lauer’s finest hour”. Lauer probably believes the answer is no, but nothing about this question would drive home Trump’s extraordinary lack of knowledge.

“This #NBCNewsForum feels like an embarrassment to journalism”, New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote on Twitter.

Lauer interrupted Clinton repeatedly.

HILLARY CLINTON: It’s a game to him. Most egregiously, Lauer let Trump’s false claim that he was “totally against the war in Iraq” go unchallenged.

Lauer taking a softer tone with Trump should have been expected. Lauer has interviewed Trump many times before on the “Today” show when the subject was just stuff like Trump’s NBC show “The Apprentice” not ISIS. The impression an uninformed or even moderately informed viewer would receive from this interview is that the email issue represents a sinister crime, perhaps completely disqualifying from office, rather than an unjustifiable but routine act of government non-transparency.

Trump harshly criticized USA military leaders.

Regarding one dispute – the role of Vladimir Putin in global affairs – Trump said past praise from the Russian president will not affect his policy toward Russia. “I find it frustrating, but it’s just part of the landscape that we live in and we just keep forging ahead”.

In the U.S., Putin has an 8% approval rating.

In his speech earlier Wednesday, Trump proclaimed a goal of “Peace Through Strength”, and told an invited crowd at Philadelphia’s Union League club that he wants a foreign policy “focused on advancing America’s core national interests – so important – promoting regional stability and producing and easing the tensions within our very troubled world”. There are many people that think that that’s absolutely correct.It’s happening, right?

He made questionable statements about what he learned from official and classified intelligence briefings given to him since be became the Republican presidential nominee. And Trump and his allies are trying the make the election a referendum on Clinton.


The fact that Trump, the Republican presidential nominee, is at the center of various firestorms isn’t new.

Hillary Clinton speaks to reporters on the tarmac at Westchester County Airport