
House Dem Kildee supports Obama’s Iran nuclear deal

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Your World with Neil Cavuto on FOX News, Democratic Rep. Brad Sherman (CA) ripped the Iran nuclear deal and President Obama and former President Bush for allowing sanctions against the country to be violated for years. “Ultimately, this deal prevents Iran from getting a nuclear weapon”, Kildee said in a written release.


In August 2011, Hekmati was arrested in Iran on allegations that he was a spy. He was charged in January 2012 with espionage and sentenced to death.

“I believe the inspections procedures set forth are flawed – leading nuclear experts to assert that, pursuant to these procedures, inspectors would not necessarily know whether Iran is manufacturing uranium components for a nuclear weapon”, Meng said in a statement Wednesday, a day after she confronted Secretary of State John Kerry with questions during congressional hearings on the deal.

The Obama administration, with the help of Pelosi, is working to convince Democratic lawmakers to vote to uphold the veto, which would keep the Iran nuclear deal alive.

The Republican-led Congress is in the midst of a 60-day review of the deal, and is expected to vote in September on a resolution of disapproval that Obama has vowed to veto. “More and more of (House Democrats) have confirmed to me that they will be there to sustain the veto”, she said.

However, several Jewish Democrats have also harshly criticized the Obama administration for efforts to seal the agreement with Iran, highlighting the difficulty the White House faces in gaining the support of its own party.

Rep. Dan Kildee (D-Mich.) has been a vocal advocate for his constituent, Amir Hekmati, and three other Americans held or missing in Iran: pastor Saeed Abedini, journalist Jason Rezaian, and retired Federal Bureau of Investigation agent Bob Levinson.

Both sides are urging members to decide and announce their positions, in the hopes that those who have gone public will inspire others to follow. Joe Manchin, D-W.Va., said he is leaning toward supporting the deal.

Meng said she “didn’t feel pressure” from pro-Israel lobbyists, but came to a personal conclusion.


Following the discussion, Nadler said he’s still wrestling with the decision of how he’ll vote on the deal and the arguments Obama made.

John Kerry exasperated