
House Majority Leader: Better Iran Deal Possible

This state of “schizophrenia” is justified by the need to differentiate the “deal“, which focused exclusively on the nuclear problem, from Iran’s other “bad behavior”.


In contrast, President Obama contends that the agreement will “permanently prohibit” Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons and “cuts off all pathways” to them.

In President Obama’s all-out press to push through his risky and likely disastrous deal with Iran, his acolytes are desperately trying to round up the public support of national “elites” to convince the unwashed masses who, with good common sense, generally oppose the deal.

As of August 11, another six Jewish Democrats had declared against the deal, chief among them Sen.

The world must be prepared for a strengthening of Iranian proxies in the region.

I want to underscore: If Iran fails in a material way to live up to these commitments, then the United States, the European Union, and even the U.N. sanctions that initially brought Iran to the table can and will snap right back into place.

Meanwhile, the president has promised to veto any action taken by Congress to block the deal.

One of the US Jewish community’s most influential advocavy groups has urged the US Congress to say “no” to the Iran nuclear agreement when it will vote in September.

Though economists have been saying a competing currency like the euro or the yuan may dethrone the dollar as and when global trade and financial patterns shift, the U.S. currency’s might has not been affected because of the lack of a strong alternative. In an phone interview Friday with the Herald, Energy Secretary and negotiator of the deal Ernest Moniz disputed that the “status quo” of continued sanctions against Iran would work without global support, and defended the agreement as providing “first of a kind” measures to verify the country is not developing a nuclear weapon. Speaking to reporters in Jerusalem on Thursday, one day after meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, McCarthy said better terms would include a more pervasive inspections regime, as well as stricter limits on Iran’s weaponization program. Let’s imagine a world in which the United States rejects the nuclear accord that all other parties have embraced.

Obama has used this several times, to the point where even Democratic lawmakers have expressed outrage over the idea that they are warmongers for being skeptical of the deal.

It’s not without precedent that Congress could send the nuclear deal back to negotiators under certain revisions. To let Iran rush, if it wanted to, without deal- and sanctions-based restraints, to the bomb?


“This looks like it will be a straight-out political battle between Republicans and some Democrats against the White House, and that’s very unfortunate”, he said, speaking of the expected vote in Congress next month in favor of a resolution disapproving the deal.

Marco Rubio