
‘House of Cards’ Frank Underwood or Donald Trump: Who Said It?

Throughout the three seasons broadcast on Netflix so far, the TV series gathered a solid fan base, a base which over time grew exponentially.


Robin Wright’s dagger of a First Lady, meanwhile, has been the greatest success of the reimagined House of Cards, an absolute equal to Frank’s unctuous conniving, but with her own weaknesses. Elizabeth hates her white trash son-in-law.

Frank is furious with Claire, viewing her ambition as betrayal. This was also the reason, why shows like Orange is the New Black or House of Cards were being aired on other channels like Zee Cafe among others. And I certainly don’t think he’s going to get the nomination. They may both be amoral monsters, but their opaque love was one of the more intriguing aspects of the show. The upcoming season is sure to focus on the campaign of Frank Underwood, who, at the end of last season, was in the midst of beginning his first actual campaign for president. This season the new additions are led by Neve Campbell (Scream) who showcases the most staying power as Leann Harvey, a headstrong political consultant caught in the Underwood’s cutthroat battle.

One of the defining elements of House of Cards was Frank’s ability to break the fourth wall and address the audience (“Democracy is so overrated”), making us complicit in his scheming and misdeeds.

At the end of last season, Claire seemed to indicate she had something of a conscience and that she believed in something beyond political power. The opportunity is practically handed to her on a silver platter due to two elements: 1) Vice President Donald Blythe is acting President and this guy is clearly not suited to be the Commander in Chief, so 2) Doug asks her to convince Blythe to act on Russian Federation the way Frank had planned.

HBO on Monday released the first trailer for Ballers’ second season, premiering this summer. Claire begins season four at her childhood home, where she reunites with her ailing mother, played by Ellen Burstyn.

So for now, just sit back and enjoy all the action that will be House of Cards Season 4! Season three ended with them firmly at odds, and the new season does not tie a bow on that conflict. There they could get lost in the schemes and dreams of monarchs and tyrants, drawn in by plans that were fueled by desire, lust and envy and where life and death often hung in the balance. Netflix won’t tell us. Unfortunately, mostly it comes from comic books and rarely approaches the resonance of Shakespeare.

Election season: It’s a bitch!


In other developments: We’re reminded of Frank’s barbarism on another level in his dealings with Russian Federation, whose asylum seeker he’s more than willing to send back to murderous president Petrov. Now those are truly frightening.

The new series of House Of Cards is out.... And fans are preparing to 'binge watch&#39 every episode