
House Republicans Pass Ban on Planned Parenthood Funding

The activists claimed that the videos proved that Planned Parenthood sells fetal tissue collected after abortion procedures, although there is no evidence that such action has ever taken place. According to Mother Jones, the vote followed several House Judiciary Committee hearings into the suspect and heavily edited videos floating around the internet accusing Planned Parenthood of harvesting and selling fetal organs. The bill, which passed 241-187, would redirect money to about 13,500 women’s clinics around the country. “We are really feeling the support of the public and the community”, said Sari Stevens, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Pennsylvania.


“Nationwide, 2.7 million men and women rely on the health care services that Planned Parenthood provides”. There should absolutely be an investigation.

A significant majority of Republicans would support Boehner if he presses for a temporary funding bill disentangled from the dispute over Planned Parenthood. To me, it isn’t.

Jennifer Aulwes, spokeswoman for Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, North Dakota and South Dakota said the measure and its approval in the House are “outrageous”. Do you hope it goes into affect, or that it gets rejected?

There is no actual footage in the Planned Parenthood videos, however, that shows someone examining an aborted fetus whose heart is still beating, while someone says, “We have to keep it alive to harvest its brain”.

The House also voted in favor of Rep. Trent Franks’ Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection bill, 248-177.

A half hour later, she tweeted, “Cutting off Americans from lifesaving health care at Planned Parenthood is wrong”.

The Senate has yet to make a move on the issue and Democrats have greatly opposed the decision, with President Obama stating they are playing “a game of chicken with our economy that we can not accept”.

H.R. 3134 would bar federal funds to the organization and its affiliates unless they certify that they won’t perform abortions.

“The recent revelations from the undercover videos and the absolute disregard for human life shown in them should be troubling to all of us”, he said in a statement. Lawmakers have five legislative days left to pass a spending bill and stop the shutdown that GOP leadership is aggressively working to avoid.


President Barack Obama indicated he would veto the bill if it passed the Senate, but Republicans would not appear to have enough votes to overcome a Democratic filibuster if it takes up the legislation.

Planned Parenthood Protests