
House Republicans release report on Benghazi attack

“It is not clear what additional intelligence would have satisfied either Kennedy or the Secretary in understanding the Benghazi mission compound was at risk-short of an attack”, the report reads.


“In our opinion, Chairman Gowdy has been conducting this investigation like an overzealous prosecutor desperately trying to land a front-page conviction rather than a neutral judge of facts seeking to improve the security of our diplomatic corps”, House Democrats wrote in their own assessment of the investigation, released Monday.

To “use Chris’s death as a political point”, Anne Stevens added, “is not appropriate”. “And for those reasons, Benghazi is and always will be, an American tragedy”. Instead, it was one of her finest moments on the campaign. “But I don’t know what good expressing countless outrage does about it”.

However, it doesn’t appear to include too many new nuggets, certainly not enough that could change people’s perception of Clinton and she performed in her role as Secretary of State during the entire USA experience in Libya. The committee’s proposed report is just over 800 pages long and is comprised of five primary sections and 12 appendices. It shed light on several new details about the events of 11 September 2012 but ultimately produced no new evidence of wrongdoing. She noted that she called for an independent investigation, that improvements have been made to ensure a similar attack doesn’t happen, and said “I think it’s pretty clear it’s time to move on”.

He said the report was not aimed at Clinton, but portrays “series of heroic acts” by Americans under attack “and what we can do to prevent” other assaults. She was later hired by then-First Lady Hillary Clinton. What are her numbers today? The Corning Republican said he’s calling for the Administration, and all those involved, to be held accountable.

Gowdy’s colleagues on the committee, however, weren’t as reserved.

The report also says that one of the reasons Stevens was at the mission in Benghazi was to help prepare for a trip that Clinton was planning to Libya in October, suggesting that could have contributed to keeping an unsecure facility active.

The House GOP Committee on Benghazi finally released its official findings on Tuesday and depending on who you talk to- the report’s either a bombshell against the Hillary Clinton campaign, or there’s nothing to see here! Also, the administration falsely blamed the attacks on an anti-Muslim YouTube video. Republicans have used this to accuse the administration of purposefully identifying it as a spontaneous protest so as to shield them from accusations that they had underestimated the threat of extremists in the area.

The $2 million expenditure finally puts Trump on air in battleground states, where presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton is outspending Trump $26 million to $0, according to an NBC News analysis. “Among the victims was our late ambassador Chris Stevens”.

Committee members criticized the lack of protection for Americans there. Gowdy said his report drew no conclusions.


Clinton has acknowledged responsibility for mistakes made and said she took the recommended actions made by earlier investigations to prevent a similar attack in the future.
